Chapter 2170 Can't go
Seeing Guan Xiuyuan's pensive face, Ye Laiyin seemed to be encouraged, and continued to say, "I heard that the army at the border has hundreds of thousands of people. I don't know how many generals there are, and I don't know how big brother Zhang is." What is your name outside, your eyes are dark, how can you find out the news?"

These words directly hit the point, so Guan Xiuyuan had to pay attention to it.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin both cast admiring glances at Ye Laiyin, but at the critical moment, the second child's brain was still bright.

Ye Laiyin exhaled secretly.

The general will be really sweating.

Guan Mingwei pondered and said, "Father, what Second Uncle Ye said makes sense, Uncle Zhang's letter didn't mention where they are, and how many cities are there at the border, I don't know where they are, how to find them?

Moreover, the military camps are generally stationed outside the city, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach them. If they overstep the boundaries, they may be arrested as spies, and they will die unjustly. "

Ye Shitian and his son as well as Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin brothers were all stunned. How could they farmer men understand this?

And then the surprise was no small thing.

"Oh, brother Guan, you can't go, you can't go!"

"It's true that you can't go! According to Mingwei, isn't your way of asking around for news about Brother Zhang more misleading? Once you are arrested, your life may be in danger!"

A few people talked a lot, but in a word, they absolutely should not take risks.

Guan Xiuyuan remained silent.

He had thought about these things a long time ago, and it was precisely because of the dangers of this trip that he entrusted his son to the Ye family brothers.

With their care, even if he never comes back, his son will not be bullied.

His wife and daughter are in danger, and he cannot stay out of it.

No matter how difficult it is, he will be by their side.

Ye Laiyin saw that he didn't speak for a long time, and knew that he had made up his mind, so he felt a little headache.

How can a person who is so easy to talk on weekdays be so stupid.

Alas, if you care about it, you will be chaotic. The more you know the danger, the more you worry about your wife and children, how can you be stable.

Squeezing the space between his eyebrows, he drank a cup of herbal tea in one gulp, and suddenly had another idea.

"By the way, Xu Sheng may have a way to contact Big Brother Zhang. When he comes back, write a letter to Big Brother Zhang first, and ask more about what's going on there. It's better than asking around blindly."

Guan Xiuyuan's eyes lit up, and Guan Mingwei's spirits instantly lifted.

Zhang Tiejian's letters go through the post station, but ordinary people are not qualified to send letters through the post station.

Moreover, his letter only said that Liu's mother and daughter were well and nothing to worry about. He didn't mention the situation at the border, and he didn't have a detailed address. He was probably afraid that they would travel thousands of miles to find them.

Guan Xiuyuan didn't search aimlessly, he originally planned to go to Dangqiu County to hire the bodyguard team that used to escort the grain and grass. Not only did they know the road well, they also had dealings with people from the military camp.

Anyway, there are a few acquaintances in the barracks, especially Ye Dahu.

It would be impossible for ordinary people to meet the general, but with Ye Dahu's help, it would be easier.

But, it would be even better if he could contact Zhang Tieniu directly.

But what Brother Laiyin said was right, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the barracks, it is not easy to find Ye Dahu, but it is even more difficult to meet Zhang Tieniu.

"Boy Sheng really has a way?"

Subconsciously asking back, it shows that his heart has been loosened.

Ye Laiyin was overjoyed, and quickly said, "Xu Sheng is Brother Zhang's apprentice, so there is naturally a way to contact him."

What he said was really guilty, and he didn't know if Ye Xusheng could do anything about it, but now he had to be firm and not let go.

Let's calm people down first and then talk about other things.

So he pointedly hinted, "Brother Guan is in charge, don't worry, with Brother Zhang protecting you, sister-in-law and girl Zhi are definitely the safest.

General, there are at least tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, protecting one or two people is no small matter. "

Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin also nodded repeatedly.

Guan Mingwei was a little puzzled. Didn't the general talk about Xu Sheng contacting Uncle Zhang, why did he suddenly mention whether his mother and sister were safe?

How could they be in any danger by the general's side?

He only thought that Ye Laiyin was looking for reasons here and there in order to persuade his father, so he didn't think much about it.

But Guan Xiuyuan finally gave up the idea of ​​going on the road tomorrow under Ye Laiyin's persuasion.

Guan Mingwei was relieved.

Ye Shitian smiled and said, "That's right. Brother Zhang is taking care of their mother and daughter, so you can take it easy. If you really feel bad, earn more money, and there will always be a chance to send it to him in the future."

Guan Xiuyuan smiled slightly, "Well, listen to Big Brother Setian."

But in the bottom of my heart, I made up my mind, and went to the county to find Ye Xusheng tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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