Chapter 2171 You Are So Tall

However, he did not achieve his wish after all.

At first Guan Mingwei didn't know that he had moved his mind, but now that he knew his mind, he naturally took more precautions.

I was afraid that he would suddenly come and leave without saying goodbye.

So he straightened out that the house was deserted, and he hadn't prepared any food, so he had to continue eating with the cheek.

He was counting on Ye Laiyin to give more persuasion and persuasion.

Of course Ye Laiyin agreed wholeheartedly.

He was still angry with Lao Ye, he didn't plan to go to the old house to spend the new year, but the husband and wife were a little deserted after all, they wanted to keep their father and son, so it would be lively when there were many people.

And Ye Shitian also purposely left Ye Mancang to accompany them for the festival, saying that he asked him to have a few drinks with them.

Ye Mancang knew his father's intentions, so he gave up the idea of ​​going home to work, and stayed with the Guan family father and son wholeheartedly.

When it was time for dinner, he even drank a lot with them enthusiastically, and sang with Ye Laiyin until Guan Xiuyuan, who was still a good drinker, was drunk.

Then, together with Guan Mingwei, they carried him back.

He also helped to light the stove, heat the kang, and boil a large pot of hot water. After Guan Mingwei settled his father properly, he took his leave.

It was late at night.

"I'll send Brother Mancang back."

They are all on their own, so there is no need to say thank you, just keep this feeling in your heart, so Guan Mingwei didn't treat him too politely.

But the weather is really bad. The north wind and the knife can cut the skin of a person, and one accident can freeze the nose off.

The howling wind sounded like a monster roaring, setting off the boundless night more eerie and terrifying.

If you are timid, you really dare not walk outside alone.

Brother Mancang has helped him so much, and he can't ask him to go back by himself.

Ye Mancang said straightly, "It's not worth sending it off after such a few steps, you'd better rest early and be more alert at night."

Guan Mingwei insisted on sending him off, and hurriedly found a wind lamp of death, holding the light in his hand, when he heard the knock on the door.

Ye Mancang was surprised, "It's so late and someone came to the door."

Guan Mingwei was also puzzled, "I'll go and have a look."

"I'll be with you."

Guan Mingwei's heart warmed up, but he didn't make a sound. He nodded to him, then took two quick steps, holding up the thick cotton curtain with a lantern in one hand and beckoning him to go first.

When the two walked out of the main room, they immediately felt that they were standing in an ice kiln. The air they inhaled was icy, and the penetrating coolness penetrated directly into the lungs, and then quickly spread to the limbs and face, directly transforming into icemen.


Ye Mancang exhaled a cloud of white air, rubbed his hands coldly, and said roughly, "It's so cold today..."

"Big brother, big brother!"

"Hey, our brother is here."

While talking, the two had already walked to the center of the yard. When people outside heard his voice, they hurriedly called out for someone. At the same time, there was the sound of dogs barking, which was especially loud in this silent night.

It turned out that Ye Mantun and Ye Manliang brought Daha to pick him up.

The two went to the second room of Ye's house first, but Ye Laiyin hadn't fallen asleep yet, so he put on a cloak and opened the door, telling them that he was at Guan's house, so they came in a hurry.

Guan Mingwei was somewhat envious of Ye Mancang, not to mention his brothers, but they got along very well, everyone respected him, he was truly a brother and friend.

On the other hand, they closed their homes...

Thinking of the bastards in the second room, he hated it.

Afraid that the Ye family brothers could see the emotion in his eyes, Guan Mingwei bent down and touched Daha, and said softly, "You are already this tall."

My younger sister raised two dogs one after another, but both of them were murdered before they grew up.

How sad the little girl is~
Ye Mancang took a deep look at him when he heard the words, and patted him on the shoulder, "Why don't you leave Daha behind."

With Aunt Liu's mother and daughter gone, this home doesn't feel like a home anymore.

Guan Mingwei stood up and gave him a slight smile, "No need, the family doesn't even have a stutter, so there's no need to let it go hungry."

During this period of time, he was helping in the workshop. He had three meals a day at Ye's house. Most of them were at the second bedroom, and occasionally he would go to the old house. In short, he never went home to eat.

And his father was out almost every day, and he didn't go home much to sleep, let alone go home for dinner.

Therefore, apart from the grain in the granary, there is nothing else to eat at home.

(End of this chapter)

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