Chapter 2172 Get up and talk first

After seeing off the Ye family brothers, Guan Mingwei closed the door and went back to the house, unexpectedly found that his father had woken up.

He hurriedly poured a glass of warm water and handed it to him, "Father, drink water."


Taking the teacup, Guan Xiuyuan was not in a hurry to drink it. He glanced at him quietly, then turned his eyes away and stared intently at the water in the cup, as if he was in deep thought.

Guan Mingwei didn't make a sound to urge him, but silently stayed by his side.

After a moment of silence, he sighed secretly, then drank the water in the cup and handed the teacup to Guan Mingwei.


He spoke in a deep voice, his voice was hoarse and harsh, it was quite different from his usual clear voice, as if he was a different person.

Guan Mingwei didn't wait for him to continue, and knelt down on the ground with a "plop", "Father, I'll go! My son can't let you take risks..."

He was choked up before he finished speaking.

Guan Xiuyuan was really drunk after being forced to drink a few large glasses of spirits, his head was dizzy and his throat hurt, and he felt uncomfortable everywhere, so he wanted to close his eyes and fall asleep, but he had something in his heart and didn't dare to let himself go. So he gritted his teeth and held on.

Guan Xiuyuan is not a stubborn person, he has heard all the words of persuasion in his heart, and now he is not insisting on leaving, but just wants to tell his son to wake him up early tomorrow.

He's going to find Kid Sheng for help.

This time his mind was so dizzy that it made him uncomfortable, and then he was suddenly surprised by Guan Mingwei's actions.

"Get up, it's cold on the ground."

In a panic, he wanted to get off the kang to pull people, but he was so dizzy that he couldn't stand still, and he was about to fall when he swayed, so scared that Guan Mingwei jumped up and supported him.

"Father, are you alright?"

"it's okay no problem……"

After this ordeal, Guan Xiuyuan felt even more dizzy, his chest was so heavy that he wanted to vomit, he closed his eyes and did not move.

Guan Mingwei didn't dare to move him too much.

After a while, under his signal, he carefully helped him onto the kang.

After calming down and feeling refreshed, Guan Xiuyuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him gently.

The son has grown up.

Half a head taller than him.

At some point, the originally immature eyebrows and eyes became tougher, heroic, elegant, and a good-looking man.

A pair of red phoenix eyes hooked inwards and warped outwards, with slender eye tails and slightly raised, black and white pupils are as deep as the sea, and the divine light is restrained~
The sharp-edged jaw gave him a bit of sharpness, and he looked very mature and masculine.

His son has really grown up.

Guan Xiuyuan was both proud and gratified, his eyes became softer, and his heart became softer.

However, in Guan Mingwei's eyes, it is the reluctance to part at the time of parting.

His father wanted to take a good look at him, but he left him without hesitation and embarked on the long journey of finding a wife alone!
With a pain in his heart, he knelt down again, "Father! Are you going to lose your son?..."

Guan Xiuyuan "..."

He raised his hand a little helplessly, "Where did you learn this? Why do you just kneel down without moving? Get up quickly, our family is not into this kind of thing."

"Father promised his son that he would not sneak away, so the son can get up."

The consequences of being drunk are not only dizzy but also unresponsive. This is Guan Xiuyuan at this time.

He didn't react to Guan Mingwei's words for a while, and he still said to himself, "It's so cold on the ground, be careful if you toss your legs out of order, you will suffer in the future..."

It seems wrong.

After realizing it later, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, "When am I going to sneak away? It's nothing, get up!"

Guan Mingwei is skeptical.

"Father won't lie to me, will he?"

"When did Dad lie to you? Get up and talk first."


Guan Xiuyuan and Liu's couple are a pair of parents who love their children very much. One is gentle and elegant, the other is kind and amiable.

Especially Guan Cuizhi, who was the heart and soul of the couple, she was really holding it in her hands for fear of falling and melting in her mouth, and she wished she could put it in her heart and hide it.

As the eldest son, Guan Mingwei wanted to support the family, so naturally he wouldn't spoil him too much, but he had never been punished, beaten or scolded. He had never suffered at all.

After kneeling for a while, I felt that my knees were too cold to bear.

In fact, in this horrible weather, the house without any heating was already frozen through, and the floor tiles were as cold as ice.

Apparently, the stove, which had been lit for only a quarter of an hour, was still not warm enough to penetrate the cold floor tiles.

Although his legs were uncomfortable and his knees were a little tingling, he felt that this kneeling was very worthwhile.

(End of this chapter)

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