The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2174 No need to send it specially

Chapter 2174 No need to send it specially
The father and son talked very happily and didn't pay attention to the time. In addition, the days are short and the nights are long in winter, and the dawn just breaks, so they don't know that they have chatted until the morning of the next day.

It was Ye Mancang's knock on the door that interrupted them, and then the two were surprised to find that the newly replaced candle had burned out again.

It turned out that another hour passed without knowing it.

Just when Guan Mingwei was in a daze, there was a shout of Daha from outside, he came back to his senses and got off the kang immediately, "Brother Mancang must be here, I'll go and open the door."

"Get dressed before going, don't catch a cold."

Guan Mingwei responded casually, tidied things up as quickly as possible, and left the main room like a gust of wind under his feet. The biting cold wind hit his face, making him shiver.

so cold~
When he held the door bolt with both hands, he suddenly had an idea that this thing was carved out of thousands of years of ice.

You can see how icy it is.

"Brother Mancang, come in, it's too cold outside."

"Well, Uncle Guan didn't feel bad all night, did he? Did he vomit? He drank a lot last night, so he might be in trouble."

"Fortunately, I didn't vomit."

"My mother got up early in the morning and made the pimple soup with a lot of shredded ginger, which can stop vomiting and prevent vomiting. Let Uncle Guan drink a bowl while it's hot, and it can also warm his stomach."

The distant sky is like a boundless black curtain, with no stars and moons, no ray of light, the strong north wind roars like a monster, pouring the biting cold directly on people's bodies. .

Ye Mancang held a qi-death wind lantern in one hand and a casserole wrapped in a cotton bag to keep warm in the other. He walked halfway around the village in the dark against the wind, until his nose was about to fall off from the cold.

Gloves are on, which is fine.

A pair of ears are like a knife cut.

But this can not blame others.

Who told him to dislike Zeng's hood and wear it like an old man, so he would not wear it anyway.

It's going to be unbearably cold, and I can't help but secretly feel a little annoyed. It's not dark yet, and there's no one on the street, so there's nothing to worry about...

Guan Mingwei didn't know that his effort and mind had gone far away, and he was so moved by his behavior that he couldn't add any more.

Reaching out to take the casserole, she lowered her head and silently felt the slight heat from it.

This little heat is especially warm in this season when a drop of water turns into ice, until it reaches the bottom of his heart~
Knowing Ye Mancang's intentions, Guan Xiuyuan was also very touched, but he was not polite to him. After a simple wash under the service of his son, he used a bowl while it was hot, and suddenly felt warm on his body, and his stomach that had been uncomfortable all night was relieved. A comfort sticker is called a comfort.

Guan Mingwei and Ye Mancang didn't bother to gossip, they both snorted and ate delicious food.

"It's warmed up."

Ye Mancang rubbed his ears, sighing with satisfaction.

Seeing this, Guan Xiuyuan smiled very gently, and said that he had worked hard, and then said, "Today, I will go to the town to buy some oil, salt, meat, vegetables, etc. My father and I will cook it ourselves, and there is no need to send it specially."

Ye Mancang was delighted when he heard it, "Uncle Guan can cook?"

He definitely didn't mean to look down on it.

That is, Guan Xiuyuan, who feels like a banished immortal, is not suitable for such things as lighting a fire and cooking.

Guan Xiuyuan was amused by his disbelief, and couldn't help laughing, "I have been a shopkeeper in Taifeng Building for many years, and I can see those chefs at work every day, and I can see it."

Guan Mingwei remained silent.

There used to be his mother at home, so there was no need for their father and son to cook.

Don't look at what father said with full confidence, maybe it's not as good as what he did.

At least he has no problem with cooking porridge with fire and water.

As for stir-fried vegetables and steamed buns...

Uh, he doesn't seem to be able to do it~
Ye Mancang didn't let him continue to entangle. Although Zhidao Workshop gave the workers a holiday, they still have a lot to do by themselves.

Isn't this going to buy tofu in a while, and then everyone will study and study how to do it together.

After all, it's everyone's business.

Also, now that their business is getting bigger and bigger, money comes in like water every day, and they buy and spend every day, and they have to keep detailed accounts for every single sum.

But their men are all rough, illiterate and can't keep accounts, it's really inconvenient, isn't this a skill, so they want to learn from Uncle Guan.

Ye Mancang blah blah blah, blah blah, meaning that our workshop needs you two, and we have to go to work.

Of course, when you are at work, how can you have time to go home and cook?

Naturally, it will be useful in the Ye family.

(End of this chapter)

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