Chapter 2175 must be distressed
Both Guan Xiuyuan and his son were amused by him and couldn't stop laughing.

I didn't say no to going to the workshop. It's better to have something to do than to stay at home.

It is true that everyone should be taught how to keep accounts. In the future, the business will grow bigger and bigger. As an owner, you must be able to check the accounts.

Checking accounts must first be able to keep accounts.

Besides, they are not delicate, they have been eating at Ye's house for a few months, how many days are left?

However, we also need to prepare some fish, meat, vegetables, eggs, rice, oil, etc. at home.

Moreover, Guan Xiuyuan thought that his son would study until midnight every day, so it was really hard work, and these days have reduced a lot.

If the child's mother sees it, she must feel distressed.

I was too busy to take care of him before, but now that I have time, I have to make up for him no matter what.

For example, add a supper.

Yes, just do it.

As for his craftsmanship, he believes it will get better and better.

After summing up like this, he ordered Guan Mingwei to go to the town together, not only to buy food, but also to buy some new year's goods, and add a few clothes and so on.

During the Chinese New Year, we always have to respond to the occasion.

Ye Mancang carefully observed his demeanor, saw that his expression was calm, calm and calm, his brows were clear, without the previous stubbornness, as if he had figured it out, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Guan Mingwei stayed up all night, but he was in good spirits.

He told his father to take a nap to rest his mind while it was still early, and not rush to the workshop.

I haven't bought tofu yet, and I have nothing to do when I go there.

Guan Xiuyuan fully agreed.

After all, I am not young anymore, and I drank alcohol again, and I was really tired after staying up all night.

After watching the two leave with the well-behaved Daha, he looked up to the east, the sky was still dark and there was no light at all.

The cold north wind is biting and cold, with the energy that penetrates the flesh and blood, it goes straight to the bones.

For some reason, this winter has been extraordinarily cold.

The northern border is a place of bitter cold, the weather is extremely bad, but this year it is strangely tight and surprisingly cold, it is unbearable. Wouldn't the life in the northern border be even more difficult?
Zhi'er and his wife suffered.


After the new year, the atmosphere of the New Year's Day is even stronger.

The He residence was busy and orderly. The door curtains, curtains, cushions, quilts, etc. of each house and courtyard were dismantled and washed or replaced, and furniture, utensils, etc. were added as appropriate. In short, everything was completely new inside and out.

The window grilles of the couplets have not been pasted up yet, and the peach branches have not been hung yet, but there is already a bit of festiveness.

It's not a big deal, the servants in the family are used to it, so don't worry about it.

The most troublesome thing for the three young mistresses who are the masters of the house is the matter of picking up and sending off the New Year's gifts in the mansion.

The second lady put all her heart on the second master, she didn't ask about everything, she was simply a hands-off shopkeeper.

Ask her for instructions if you have any questions, she casually said that she just followed the example of previous years.

But in the past, it was Mrs. Song who was in charge of human relations, they couldn't go to Zhuangzi to ask her how to do things, could they?
Although there are ledger records, most of them can rely on this to act, but there are many unexpected situations that cannot be dealt with.

It's easy to talk about relatives and friends, and you can't make a big mistake if you follow the rules of previous years.

And the He family is a wealthy businessman, there are countless people in the business field, and the contacts with them are very likely to change with the ups and downs of the business, either getting closer or gradually estranged, it cannot be generalized.

And this needs to be considered by the family.

For this reason, the young mistresses of the three new officials did not waste their brains, and finally felt the hardship of being in charge of the family.

Being at home is really hard work.

He Hongjin has been spinning around for many days.

Important business partners and personnel exchanges in the officialdom are all watched by him personally, and there are piles of ledgers that need to be checked by him personally.

In short, he has more things to do than anyone else.

Who told him not to trust others to do it.

He Jiaheng can share some of the burden, but he still has to make up his mind on major matters. As for He Jiaxuan, forget it.

That's not a steady one.

(End of this chapter)

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