The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2176 Leave it to the 2 boys

Chapter 2176 Leave it to the second boy

He Jiayu and He Jiajie of the second room are all playful, not too out of the ordinary, but they are not focused on business.

From He Hongjin's point of view, the second child is just an incomprehensible person, so what kind of good seedlings can he raise.

He has no time to help others discipline their sons.

Therefore, there are very few people who can share the burden for him.

He has independently supported the entire He family for many years, and he has long been used to it, so he doesn't find it hard.

It's just that at the end of the year, I miss He Jiaming more and more.

After all, he has been raised as a son-in-law for more than ten years, and his feelings are different from others.

He also placed high hopes on him, hoping that he could become an official through the imperial examination, change the lintel of the He family, and honor his ancestors.

And completely get rid of Yongchangbo Mansion.

He's had enough of those rapacious things.

Originally he was full of confidence.

He Jiaming is extremely intelligent, and he is a good seedling for studying. All the masters who have taught him say that he will definitely be named in the gold list in the future.

He was naturally very happy.

The He family is hopeful!
However, the hopes of the He family were ruined in the hands of the second son, that dog!
He Hongjin put down the pen with a snap, leaned back on the chair back, and pondered sullenly, whether he should break the dog's other leg as well.

Just at this time, the housekeeper came to answer, and mentioned the matter of returning to the hometown to worship the ancestors, and asked for instructions on how to arrange it.

He sat up straight, tapped the table with heavy eyes, pondered for a moment and said, "Leave it to the second boy."

Although He Jiayu is the second of the line, he is the eldest grandson.

It makes sense for him to come forward.

It turned out that he was giving face to those old guys in the clan, and they were used to pushing their noses and plotting all kinds of tricks.

Then cool off first.

Let's talk about other things after Jiaming comes back.

After sending the butler away, He Hongjin pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind. He called the waiting boy to grind ink, put a pen and paper, and wrote two letters in one go.

He dried the ink and put it in the envelope, and heard that it was He Jiaheng who came.

He waved his hand to let the boy back down.

He stared intently at the eldest son who strode in.

"Father, the yearly gifts of the county lord's family have already been delivered, and the yearly gifts of Liu Xiancheng and Sizhu Bo's family have also been delivered."

"Well, you worked hard."

He Jiaheng hurriedly said that it should be.

He Hongjin was satisfied with the eldest son's ability to handle affairs.

This child has been sensible since he was a child, and he has never let him worry about it.

As he grows older, he becomes more calm and prudent, and has a measure of advance and retreat. He is also a good hand in business. His only weakness is that he is soft-hearted and not decisive enough in doing things.

So, he missed He Jiaming again.

The child's temperament is up to him.

He Jiaheng lowered his head slightly, his eyes fell on the ground in front of the desk, his thoughts were restrained, and he remained calm.

It was the first time that he saw his shrewd and capable father distracted while talking to others, and he was quite puzzled.

Why does it feel like the eyes falling on him seem to be looking at others through him.

"If father is fine, son will leave first."

He Hongjin regained consciousness in seconds, and said in a deep voice, "Wait."

Hearing this, He Jiaheng raised his eyes and looked over, waiting for his instructions.

Inexplicably felt that the people behind the table were a little different from usual.

But can't tell the difference.

Just when his thoughts wandered, He Hongjin spoke again, and said flatly, "Go to Yejia Village tomorrow and give you a New Year's gift..."

He Jiaheng was obviously taken aback, and then returned to normal.

He was naturally willing to go to Yejia Village, and he secretly rejoiced that he could see Miss Ye again——

But at the same time, he was quite unbelievable.

Is father going to visit the Ye family as relatives?
"Yes, my son will arrange it now."

His eyes flickered lightly, and he said, "Fourth sister will be happy when she finds out..."

"Don't tell the fourth girl about this beforehand."

He Hongjin interrupted his words in a heavy tone, probably felt that the tone was a bit heavy, and then said, "Don't let her follow this cold day, and go after the weather gets warmer in the next year."

"Yes, my son knows."

He Jiaheng bowed his head in response.

"I have two letters here, one for the owner of the second room of the Ye family, and one for Jiaming. You have to deliver them to them yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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