The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2178 Brother Hall, Look More Carefully

Chapter 2178 Brother Hall, Look More Carefully

There is an old saying that one gets up early and catches an evening show, and it is about He Xiner.

After she had chosen and finally matched her outfits and dressed neatly, she asked casually, "Luohua, what time is it?"

"Chenshi three quarters."


Then she exploded.

God, she actually dressed up for half an hour!
He Xiner was about to run out in a hurry, Luo Hua shouted from behind holding the cloak, "Miss hasn't put on the cloak yet..."

And Wei Yu said anxiously, "Miss, slow down, don't fall down."

Both of them chased after her in a hurry, but they didn't expect her to stop suddenly and turn around, "Luo Hua..."

The people behind were already in front, and the three of them almost collided with each other. Fortunately, they were all clever, so they all stopped quickly, so there was no big collision.

"Miss, are you alright?"


At this time, He Xiner didn't care about such a trivial matter, she reached out to support Luo Hua, and at the same time said, "Find that box of ginseng."


She didn't specially prepare for the annual ceremony.

It's not an outsider, no one is too outsider.

Waiting for my mother to move to the county seat, I can't buy a lot of things.

At that time, it will be as convenient as asking the store to deliver the goods directly to your home.

Therefore, Ye Xusheng will only need to bring back the ginseng he bought earlier.

He did buy two boxes of things, after all, after staying in the county for so many days, it is really shameful to go back empty-handed.

But only his own clothes and the toys he bought for Xiao Xuyang took up a full box.

Then there are gifts such as tea and a complete set of tea sets for the big guys, as well as cigarettes and wine, clothing materials for honoring the old leaves, and finally clothing materials for their family.

As for old Qian Shi, he just pretended not to exist.

There is also He Jiaming, who is as transparent as air, he has long forgotten that person to the horizon.

The things have already been prepared, the carriage has also been agreed, and he will come to Ye's house to pick him up when the time comes.

He waited and waited until He Xin'er was gone. He didn't care about reading. After walking around the room twice, he took out the small red clay stove and lit a fire to boil ginger syrup.

Just waiting for his ginger syrup to boil, the little girl still disappeared.

So he took his cloak and put it on, ready to meet people.

As soon as she reached the Chuhua Gate, she saw He Xiner rushing over with Dabai. She was tightly wrapped in a wide cloak, but there was a lump in front of her body, as if she had taken something.


"Big brother!"

Seeing him, her eyes lit up immediately, and she called out sweetly, that soft and soft voice carried an irresistible sweetness, reaching the bottom of Ye Xusheng's heart.

"What did you take? Give it to the elder brother."


He Xiner was not polite to him, and directly put the mahogany box that had been carried all the way into his hand.

"I bought a ginseng, and you can take it home for me. However, pregnant women should not use ginseng, it is easy to get angry, and it can't be used to nourish during confinement..."

He Xiner looked confused.

Or don't take it back.

Wang is an elderly pregnant woman who has not given birth for more than ten years. She is worried that the delivery will not go well.

When I bought ginseng before, I thought that in case of dystocia or loss of strength, I could use it to refresh myself.

But it seems that I can't mention this now, and it's too unlucky.

Seeing her frowning, Ye Xusheng couldn't help stretching out his hand to smooth it out, "Be careful of wrinkles."

The person who was full of entanglement and undecided, laughed with a "puchi", then moved closer to him, raised his chin and turned left and right, "Brother hall, look carefully, there are wrinkles everywhere."

She's still a baby.

It's rare to see her so childish, Ye Xusheng couldn't stop laughing, the pampering in his eyes almost overflowed, and he surrounded her softly.

"Xin'er's skin is better than snow, she can be broken by blowing bombs, she is extremely beautiful~"

The big brother's mouth is so sweet.

The words that were almost blurted out were suppressed by her.

But she remembered that someone couldn't stand this compliment...

Ye Xusheng looked at her squinting eyes, glanced around but didn't look at him, just thought she was shy, and didn't continue to tease her.

It's really too cold outside, it's not too late to talk if you go in and drink a cup of ginger candy water to warm yourself up.

(End of this chapter)

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