The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2179 It's getting late

Chapter 2179 It's getting late

The two entered the main room, Ye Xusheng helped He Xiner take off the cloak, and took off the cloak himself, and hung it on the ebony hanger beside him.

He poured warm water to wet the cotton towel, wiped her hands carefully, and then took hand grease to moisten her hands. He lowered his head slightly, with a serious face, gentle and considerate.

He Xiner's eyes fell on his hands, she was a little absent-minded.

I really can't bear to part~
Holding her soft little hand, Ye Xusheng raised his eyes to look at her, a touch of nostalgia spread in his eyes, and his clear and clear eyebrows were as soft as spring water at this moment, full of affection and warmth.

It almost melts He Xiner's heart~
He took his slender hand and put it to his lips to kiss lightly, then smiled at her, "Xin'er's hand is so beautiful~"

He Xiner was bumped by the deer he teased, her ears felt hot, her eyes shifted and she snorted softly, "Why are you so sweet? Isn't it time for people to get wrinkles?"

As soon as the words were finished, she felt her eyes darkened, and a figure was already in front of her. She hurriedly leaned back to avoid it, but was hugged tightly by his waist, and then blocked her lips...

After a hot and long kiss, He Xiner was already out of breath~
Ye Xusheng hugged her tightly, rubbing his hot lips against her ears, panting slightly, and whispered, "Second sister's mouth is so sweet~"

The deep and hoarse voice was magnetic and seductive, with an indescribable charm that made He Xiner's heart tremble.

Then I cried stupidly.

Say something sweet or not, and put myself in it again.

"Then, it's getting late..."


Ye Xusheng interrupted her words gently and domineeringly, and lightly touched her forehead and the tip of her nose, almost face to face with her, their breaths intertwined and finally merged into one.

"Isn't it okay for big brother to compensate you? Don't hold grudges."

He coaxed softly, it was the ultimate gentle pampering~
How could He Xiner be really angry with him, she was just playing around with him.

Seeing him being so careless and gentle, he felt embarrassed at first, blushing slightly and said, "It's just a joke, how can Brother Datang make up for it?"

A smile flashed across Ye Xusheng's eyes, his eyes became more and more gentle, he pecked her cherry lips lightly, "Xin'er is so good."

How could he not know her temperament.

I just like the feeling of coaxing her, like pampering her on the tip of my heart.

The little girl has always been well-behaved, and never loses her temper with him, so she has no chance to coax others.

Isn't it rare to find an excuse to tease her, so I can't miss it.

"Wait, brother will pour you some water."

After being lingering for a long time, Ye Xusheng remembered the 'business', and hurriedly poured a glass of ginger syrup for her, "It's still warm on the stove, drink it slowly."

"Well, thank you big brother."

After He Xiner drank the water in the glass in small sips, she felt that her stomach was hot and her body was warm, so she squinted her eyes in comfort.

She slowly stretched her body like a lazy cat, and yawned delicately.

got up early today~
Hey, man's habits are horrible.

When I was at home, I didn't sleep until dawn, and sometimes I had to stay in bed when I woke up.

It was so comfortable to hold my sweet and soft little cousin and fall asleep on the hot kang head. Every time I had to muster up my courage to leave the warm and comfortable bed.

I didn't realize anything at that time.

However, after a period of sad reminders in He's family with the morning star in their faces, if they can sleep until dawn during these days, it will be bubblingly beautiful.

As a result, I got up early in the dark today, and felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems that she is a lazy person in essence~
Just when He Xiner was complaining secretly, she was suddenly pulled into Ye Xusheng's arms, she raised her head in a daze, and happened to meet his eyes.

His eyes were as clear as a spring, tender and tender, as if he wanted to drown her in them and surround her tightly.

Feeling a little nervous for no reason, He Xiner quietly swallowed.

She couldn't stand such affectionate eyes~
(End of this chapter)

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