Chapter 2181 Business Matters
At first, He Xiner was still thinking about renting a carriage, but with Ye Xusheng's further gentle offensive, her heart has already sunk~
When she was slowly laid down on the soft blanket, her dizzy mind finally cleared up a little, and then she realized something was wrong.

It turned out that the tables on the warm couch were removed at some point.

She was a little confused.

The girl's hazy eyes still have a hint of spring, and against the cute and naive expression at this time, it is the ultimate purity and charm~
A person who is already in a hurry, how could he bear it? Ye Xusheng gasped for breath and leaned over to kiss.

He Xiner was just about to speak, well, she was forced to stop again, she was a little helpless, but more sweet.

It is sweet to the bone.

Pink bubbles popping from the bottom of my heart~
Ye Xusheng, who originally wanted to make up for all the intimacy in the next few days with the intention of making up for it, was still a little clear at first, but with the more intimate lingering, there is no reason to speak of it.

He has long been deeply lost in her rich and charming floral fragrance and the girl's unique fragrance and cannot help himself~
When he couldn't help caressing the softness of the girl with his hand, he felt a tight string in his mind snapping instantly...

"do not--"

He Xiner grasped his hand in desperation, panting slightly and refused, "Brother Hall, don''s in broad daylight..."

She meant to say how embarrassing she was in broad daylight, but it didn't seem right.

The person in the arms has silky eyebrows and charming eyes, and a pair of delicate apricot eyes seem to be full of spring water, the water is rippling, and there are various styles~
Ye Xusheng's Adam's apple rolled, and his breathing became disordered.

"Xiner is shy?"

He nibbled on the tip of her ear, murmured indistinctly, and made He Xiner want to cover her face in shame, but before she could move, she felt light, and then she was picked up by the air, which shocked her , "Da, big brother~"

"Let's go to bed and lower the curtain."

He said it with confidence, without any hesitation.

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

Did she mean that?

"Oh, it's important. The elders in the family are looking forward to the big brother. Going back earlier will save them from thinking about it."

"Big brother, calm down, you have to calm down!"

For some reason, she was inexplicably flustered.

It's not that he hasn't been intimate in the past, he has always been gentle, even if he is passionate, he is extremely measured, and he has never been so aggressive.

It made her feel like she was about to throw herself into the jaws of a tiger.

Cough, cough, what are you thinking!

Just when she tried her best to put aside those messy thoughts, and then racked her brains to organize her words to continue to dissuade her, she realized that she was already lying on the bed.

It was dark before her eyes, it turned out that Ye Xusheng had put down the curtain, and she was about to say something when she heard him softly, "Is Xin'er cold?"

"not cold."

He Xiner reflexively replied, and immediately became annoyed.

Is now the time to discuss whether it is cold or not?

She will raise her eyes, and a handsome face is in front of her eyes, and then kissed her hot lips, and her hot hands moved dishonestly around her waist.

He was like a cluster of burning flames, scorching hot, and quickly ignited He Xiner. The whole body was burned hot, and the snowy skin and jade skin were slightly flushed, and became more crystal clear, pink and flawless~
"Xiner~, Xiner~"

Ye Xusheng almost lost control.

It's really no wonder that he is not strong-willed, it's all because the little girl is too beautiful for him to control.

He hugged the delicate and lovely girl tightly, as if he wanted to rub her to the bone.

"Xin'er is so beautiful~"


Ye Xusheng insisted on leaving in the afternoon, but He Xiner finally couldn't persuade him, and retreated steadily under his fiery offensive, how could he persuade him any more.

And Ye Xusheng, who got his wish and succeeded in finding enough intimacy for the next few days, can be said to be both sweet and painful, and he was tossing himself into a hot sweat.

After fighting for a long time, Fang gradually calmed down.

Xiaoyi gently coaxed the shy He Xiner for a while, then patted her to sleep, then gently got out of bed and went to the ear room to take a bath.

(End of this chapter)

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