The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2182 Missing Me Every Day

Chapter 2182 Missing Me Every Day
The whole morning was spent between the two of them rubbing each other's ears. After having lunch tenderly, He Xiner urged him to leave quickly.

Ye Xusheng was a little helpless, "The little heartless person chased people away again."

Little heartless?
He Xiner felt her teeth sore, and she didn't know how such a calm and cheerful person would say it.

It's too meaty~
She tried her best to hold back her smile and said, "It's too late to go back now, we can't delay any longer."


Ye Xusheng had a hurt expression on his face, and pouted Lao Gao, as if he had been greatly wronged, which really shocked her, it was the first time he had seen such a stable and dignified eldest brother, he was simply a wayward child.

It's rare for him to act coquettishly, but it's not easy to break the stage, so he had to coax softly, "I'll go back in the morning on the first day of the new year, and we can see each other in about two days, so don't worry about it for a while, okay? "

Ye Xusheng remained silent, his gaze fell on her lips, as if he was expecting something.

He Xiner...

It looks like I haven't been idle this morning, okay?


What a shame!
However, the other party was too stubborn, so she didn't withdraw, so she could only follow his wishes.

If you drag on any longer, it will be dark.

Soft and warm lips were gently printed on his lips, and Ye Xusheng was instantly soothed, and responded to her gently, without being too entangled.

"Xin'er, you miss me every day."

"Well, I will."

"If it snows these two days, don't rush back."

"Okay, I'll take it down."

Ye Xusheng reluctantly hugged him for a long time, and gave some detailed instructions, then got up and told Mu Laowu to inform the driver.

Just like that, he, who originally planned to start his recruitment at the end of the application period, was finally coaxed by He Xiner to set off at two o'clock.

The hired coachman had paid twice the fare, and was prepared to stay in Pingning Town instead of going back to the city at night. Now he was notified to leave early, so he was quite happy.

There was no delay at all, and the car was immediately picked up.

The master said that there is no need to refund the money, so he is naturally happy.

If you are on the road more quickly, you can almost catch up with the return to the city, but you can save a sum of accommodation fees, and earn that share for nothing.

Ye Xusheng didn't want He Xiner to send him off at first.

At first he thought of leaving while she was taking a nap, but the little girl took a nap in the morning, so she would be refreshed.

In front of Mu Lao Wu and Ding Shi, he had no choice but to suppress the urge to hold her in his arms, looked at her gently, and said softly, "Brother is gone."

"Bon Voyage."

He patted her on the head with a light smile, "It's cold outside, go back."

"Well, I watched the big brother go."

Ye Xusheng was quite helpless, so she had to let her go back earlier before getting into the carriage.

He Xiner led Dabai, watched the carriage gradually go away until it disappeared from sight, then she looked away.

After briefly explaining to Mu Laowu and Ding Shi, he took Dabai back to the He Mansion alone. .

The two of them did not return home, but just guarded the house.


When Ye Xusheng returned to Yejia Village, He Jiaheng had just left, and the two even passed each other on the road.

It's just that both of them sat safely in the carriage, not knowing each other.

People in Yejia Village have long been used to the carriages coming in and out, and even the lively and active children no longer chase after the carriages.

Therefore, Young Master He gave the New Year's gift in person today, and Ye Xusheng returned to the village, which did not attract much attention.

It's really too cold this day, especially after Shenshi, when it's hard to see the sun, it's extremely cold, adults and children are all nestled on the hot kang, who would hang out on the street.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the old house, Ye Xusheng quickly got out of the carriage, looked left and right, and saw that the door of the workshop was open.

He was a little puzzled, but he was not in a hurry to go over to see what happened.

The things are still in the car, so it is natural to unload the car first.

Oh, He Xiner's ginseng didn't come back in the end.

She had told Ye Laiyin earlier that Mrs. Wang was getting older, so she had to be more careful with this pregnancy and not be careless.

When the house is bought, she will be placed in the county seat, and a few servants will be hired to take care of her. When the day is approaching, Mrs. Wen and the doctor will be invited to the house in advance, so that they can observe at any time and respond in time to ensure the safety of mother and child.

In other words, the Wang family will give birth and confinement in the county.

There is really no need to bring Ginseng back.

(End of this chapter)

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