The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 224 My Heart Suddenly Feels Sullen and Unhappy

Chapter 224 My Heart Suddenly Feels Sullen and Unhappy
The food was already set, and the whole family was there, but the atmosphere in the main room was very strange, his grandparents all had dark faces, and the air pressure was low.His father and second uncle's expressions were also not good-looking, which was quite different from usual.

Ye Xusheng raised his eyebrows, and looked at He Xiner with questioning eyes. He Xiner shrugged, indicating that he didn't know anything.

So, the two of them sat down obediently without saying a word in tacit understanding, and waited for the elder Qian to scoop up the dishes with a gloomy face, and the others also filled the dishes with bowls, and the whole family ate in silence.

Not knowing what happened, everyone was cautious, not daring to make any noise.

Only old Qian stared at his elder son and his second son from time to time.

The brothers Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin felt their mother's cold eyes and stared at them hatefully as if they were enemies. What else did they not understand?
His mother is resenting the two brothers~
The two brothers are just mortals with flesh and blood. Even if they are strong, they both know tiredness and pain.

My shoulders were swollen for a few days when I was picking corn, and it has just disappeared, but I still dare not touch it. If I accidentally touch it, I will break out in a cold sweat.Sometimes when I raise my arm, my shoulder hurts~
Of course, they are all indomitable men, and they will not cry out for grievances just because they suffer a little. It is their responsibility to make their families have enough to eat. They have never flinched or been wronged.

But people's hearts are fleshy after all. When they were sweating profusely in the fields, their mother secretly gave the younger sister a small stove at home behind someone's back. Their elder brother came home from a day's work without even seeing an egg skin.

When they were exhausted and still gritted their teeth and worked hard, the third child hid in the town and didn't even dare to go home. Hehe, why did you say that apprentices can't ask for leave? Are they stupid?It's just that I never thought about it before~
That's right, the two brothers never had any disputes with their brothers and sisters, but when his mother blurted out that the two brothers would do the work, and the third child would not be needed, her heart suddenly felt sullen and unhappy.

Besides, it wasn't his brothers who wanted the third child to come back yesterday, and his father said that he wanted to rent cattle, not just to save effort, but most importantly to prepare the fields early and not delay planting wheat~
Forget it, his mother already hated his two brothers, so what's the use of all these things?

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled wryly in their hearts~
The others all wanted to shrink themselves back, they all bowed their heads in silence and quickly finished their meal, and left the main room in a hurry~
He Xinhe helped her mother put away the dishes and bowls and chopsticks and took them to the backyard, and Wang took them away, "Mum, just come, you can go and play."

"By the way, mother, brother Xiumu today, we agreed to go up the mountain, and we also made an appointment with Cuizhi and Yuanyuan, so we won't be back at noon.

Mrs. Wang stopped what she was doing and raised her head, "Bring me some pancakes, eat when you're hungry."

"Oh, mother, don't worry about it, I will get it"

Thinking of the roasted rabbit last time, He Xiner's saliva was about to flow down, she lit a fire to boil a pot of water, and pasted a dozen small pancakes on the dough, um, enough for the four of them to eat.

I don't know if I can have roasted rabbits today?

He Xiner's eyes lit up, the barbecue needs seasoning to be delicious!

Thinking of a delicious barbecue, He Xiner was full of energy. She deftly lit a fire and put it in the small stove, put it on the frying pan, took a few star anise and a small handful of Chinese prickly ash and put it on the pan to bake.

After the aniseed ingredients are roasted, put them in a garlic mortar, add a little coarse salt, and mash them into powder. He Xiner smells the smell, haha, it's done!
It's done, but there's nothing to pretend!

He Xiner walked around the kitchen twice but couldn't find a suitable item, she was standing there in a daze, helpless, "Xiner, are you okay?"

It turned out that it was Ye Xusheng who came to look for her, and it was strange to see her in a daze, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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