The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 225 This is the salt and pepper I made

Chapter 225 This is the salt and pepper I made

"Have it!"

Seeing Ye Xusheng, He Xiner suddenly remembered the bamboo tube that the big hall brother gave her to hold water, her eyes lit up with joy, why didn't she think of it just now?

"I see you are happy? Tell the elder brother what's the matter?"

Seeing that she was so excited that she was about to dance with her hands and feet, Ye Xusheng pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Hey, hall brother, you smell this smell"

He Xiner smiled mysteriously, picked up the garlic mortar and put it next to Ye Xusheng's nose, letting him smell it.

"Huh? What's the smell?"

Ye Xusheng frowned subconsciously as a strong special smell came over his face, he had never seen such a thing before!

Seeing his unconfused expression, He Xiner raised her eyebrows proudly, "Haha, this is the salt and pepper I made."

"Salt and pepper? What is it for?"

Ye Xusheng still didn't understand.

Rolling her eyes, He Xiner chuckled, "Brother Hall will know when I use it."

"All right"

Ye Xusheng smiled kindly, "What are you pretending to be?"

"Before Brother Datang came, I had been worrying about how to install it, but I remembered it when I saw Brother Datang just now."

"Why did you remember me when you saw me? What is it?"

Ye Xusheng was confused by these words.

"It's the bamboo tube that the lobby brother gave me last time, but the bamboo tube for water is a bit big"

After He Xiner finished speaking, she looked down at her masterpiece. There was only so much salt and pepper, and it would be a waste to occupy a bamboo tube filled with water.

"Oh, it's a bit big"

Ye Xusheng nodded, the bamboo tube was given by him, no wonder he remembered it when he saw it.

It's just that Xin'er is right, the bamboo tube is indeed not small.There is no bamboo in their back mountain, so he bought those two bamboo tubes specially.If you want to go up the mountain for a day, you must bring water to drink.

"How about I wrap this salt and pepper with a piece of paper?"

After much deliberation, it is better to wrap it up.

"That's right! It's convenient to wrap it in paper and hold it. Brother Datang is so smart!"

After receiving He Xiner's praise, Ye Xusheng couldn't help laughing, how can a little thing be said to be smart or not?
"Wait, I'll get it"

After a while, Ye Xusheng brought a clean piece of paper, skillfully folded it into a triangle, put the salt and pepper in it carefully, and wrapped it carefully.

"Wow, that's great, it doesn't take up much space when you carry it like this."

Seeing the hall brother put away the items swiftly, He Xiner smiled happily. With the seasoning, there is no meat!

"Well, just put it in the schoolbag, let's go?"

"Add these pancakes"

He Xiner hurriedly packed the finished pancakes in a small bag, and packed two bamboo tubes with warm water, and Ye Xusheng took them all.

They didn't see Mrs. Wang when they left the kitchen, Ye Xusheng asked, "Where is Second Aunt?"
He Xiner said, "I told my mother just now, it's fine, let's go, it's getting late."

Thinking about going up the mountain, He Xiner couldn't wait for a moment.

"Do you want to bring a backpack?"

Speaking of this, He Xiner thought for a while, "Let's take a vegetable basket. The fresh berries are very delicate and can't be squeezed. I don't know if they can be exchanged for silver. Pick less first."

Ye Xusheng pondered for a moment. He had to study on weekdays, so he couldn't accompany his cousin up the mountain all the time. It's better to pick more. If he couldn't exchange money, he would keep it for himself as snacks.

"On weekdays, there are only a few of you little girls. If I go up the mountain, I don't feel at ease. I might as well pick more today. It doesn't matter if they can't be sold. I keep them as snacks."

That's right, that place is deep in the mountains, and it's a waste of time to pick a little after running so far.

"Well, okay, bring a backpack?"

"Bring a basket, pick some thick and soft leaves for the bottom, and if you pick too much, you can put some leaves in the middle.

"Hey, there is still a way for the big brother"

"let's go"

Ye Xusheng found out the pannier and carried it on his back, and hung the schoolbag in front of him.

The two packed up, left the gate of Ye's house, and walked towards the back mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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