The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2285 I still think you know

Chapter 2285 I still think you know

Hearing his son's words, old Cui was elated, and said happily, "I don't think you should wait any longer, let's go now, and settle the matter early so that we can move there earlier.

It's not an outsider, what is fifteen or not, it's a birth share.

Left and right, his house is full of things, we don’t have anything to take with us, and we don’t need to tidy up, we can go tomorrow..., tomorrow is not good for the third day of junior high school, let’s go to the sixth day of junior high school. "

She couldn't wait to live in that big house.

Well, the yard of the second bedroom is nice, not to mention the fish pond and gazebo, and the furniture is much more exquisite than that of the old house. She is quite satisfied and wants to go there.

After all, it's the old Ye's family, so they can't compete with Ye Dahe for the house, right?

But she can't live in the wing room, the second room is the most suitable.

Qian Da snorted coldly, "Stop daydreaming! Old Ye's men have such a tough temper, how can they be manipulated by a few words?"

Qian Jin and the others were taken aback, their frenzied mind finally calmed down for a moment.

"Could it be that they are willing to distribute their property to outsiders instead of letting us have it?"

Old Cui asked angrily.


Qian Dafa didn't bother to talk to her.

Needless to say such an obvious thing?

"But Guan and Ye Shitian are all from Ye Laiyin. He built the workshop, and he has the final say. Even if Ye Laijin disagrees with him, there is nothing he can do to win over outsiders.

Now that he is gone, Ye Laijin has the final say on the affairs of the workshop.

As long as he is not stupid, he should know that outsiders are unreliable, and if he wants to keep his family business, he has to be able to do it himself. "

Qian Dafa's face became more and more ugly, "In his eyes, the old Qian family is not his own."

Old Cui choked so hard that her breath was stuck in her heart, and she almost suffocated to death because she couldn't get up or down.

Jiang once again pointed Maotou at Qian Lianhua, "It's all because the eldest sister is useless, she can't even hold her own man..."

Seeing that the daughters-in-law were about to make trouble again, Qian Da said coldly, "If it wasn't for her, would Lao Qian's family be able to enter the gate of Lao Ye's house?"

Jiang, who was stunned by these words, was speechless and unable to refute.

Qian Jin frowned and said, "What's your idea?"

Soft ones won't work, hard ones won't work, why is Lao Ye's family so difficult to deal with?
"Let's leave it at that for today. After two days, your mother and I will go to Yejia Village to see what's going on, and then slowly think of a solution."

Maybe they are not necessarily busy, and they can't be messed up first.

Old Cui curled her lips, "You just think too much! Old Ye's family looked stubborn, and said that the widow made such a mess, didn't they have nothing to do?"

Qian Dafa said in his heart, you know what a fart, that person has been tricked into going to prison, there is no other way?

"Hmph, I think they don't cry when they don't see the coffin, they gritted their teeth and resisted, and didn't give a copper coin, just to deceive her that she can't support the scene alone.

If you were really stubborn, how could you know that the Shen family was going to make trouble, so you hurriedly sent the money away? "

Qian Dafa was startled, his eyes widened and he said sharply, "What did you say? Say it again! Who did you give the money to?"

Old Cui didn't expect him to change his face suddenly, he was taken aback suddenly, and said angrily, "Who else can I give it to? Widow Zhang's daughter-in-law's house."

"How much money? When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Qian Dafa couldn't sit still any longer, he stood up and glared fiercely at old Cui, wishing to give her a slap in the face.

He didn't tell him such an important thing.

What a fool.

Seeing that he was following the evil wolf, he would jump up and bite people at any time, old Cui shrank his neck subconsciously, and his voice dropped several degrees in an instant, "I thought you knew..."

It's not that she didn't say it, the main reason is that Qian Dafa has been stunned since he saw the wealth of the old Ye family, yes, thinking about how to take advantage of the old Ye family every day.

Either talking to a few sons in the East Wing, or being alone in a daze with a sullen face, and ignoring the rest of the people and things.

Not to mention that, what made old Cui's scalp tingle the most was that he didn't sleep during the day and night, and kept his eyes open all night, staring at the roof in a daze alone in the dark night.

Scared her several times.

(End of this chapter)

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