The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2286 Don't talk about those useless things

Chapter 2286 Don't talk about those useless things

"Say less about what you have and what you don't!"

Qian Dafa gritted his teeth to interrupt old Cui's muttering, fixed his eyes on her, and said in a deep voice, "I asked you what didn't you hear? Get to the point!"

His eyes were red, his face was ferocious, he was like a madman, yes, it was really frightening, old Cui was so scared that he swallowed back all the words he was about to say later.

Now being pressed by him, my mind is tense, I don't remember what he asked before.

"What did you, what did you just say?"

If it wasn't in front of his son and daughter-in-law, Qian Dafa would definitely give her a big slap in the face.


"I ask you, how much money did Lao Ye's family give to the Shen family? When did it happen?"

"Ten taels, ten taels of silver..."

"How many?"


Hearing this number suddenly, Qian Dafa was in a daze for a moment, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Ten taels of silver is not much.

Of course, it depends on who.

To Lao Ye's family, ten taels of silver was really nothing, not enough for them to listen to.

But for ordinary peasant households, it is a large sum of money, enough for the whole family to last for two or three years.

After relaxing, Qian Dafa was no longer vicious, and his expression eased a lot, "It's a good deal to buy a good reputation for ten taels of silver.

Hehe, Lao Ye's family is indeed in business, and the abacus is making a lot of noise, which is really good. "

Old Cui was stunned, then slapped his thigh and shouted suddenly, "I think they took the money so happily, so it was the idea!"

"Okay! Stop shouting."

Qian Dafa couldn't understand her more and more, she was so stupid, it was useless at all.

"When did this happen? Why don't I know?"

That day in the second room of Lao Ye's house, he heard a lot of gossip, but he didn't hear this one. After the sending team left, he stayed with Ye Dahe in the old house.

I haven't heard of any demon moths in the Shen family.

Qian Jin and the others didn't know about this matter, so they were quite surprised to get such news suddenly, and at the same time, they felt inexplicably proud in their hearts.

His old Ye family is nothing more than that~
"Hey, I just said to use hard ones, right? Those guys are just bluffing, and if something happens, don't you want to use money to settle it?"

"Haha, a family with few males is like this, and they dare not easily provoke a big family with prosperous children."

"That's the case, why are we being polite? Just copy the guys and call them! Also let them know that the old Qian family is not easy to mess with."

"Look at what you said, what do you mean by talking to a bandit? We're going to do business together in the future, so it's hard to do too much..."

"Hey, that's right. They're all from my own family, so there's nothing we can't discuss."


Several people discussed happily, and Qian Dafa was not angry when he interrupted Qian Dafa, he sat back with an inexplicable expression, and remained motionless like an old monk in samadhi.

After this wave of excited noise subsided a bit, he opened his eyes, and the old god said, "Eat first, and then talk about other things when you are full."

Old Cui's eyes lit up, and he nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, eat first, eat, and have the strength to go on the road when you are full."

When she was happy, she suddenly exclaimed, "I said you think too much!"

She raised her eyebrows triumphantly and said to Qian Dafa, "Ye Laijin is easier to handle than Ye Laiyin's stubborn donkey. Their family is weak but they have a lot of money to spend. I don't know how many people's eyes are red... "

Speaking of this, she uncharacteristically lowered her voice and said, "Isn't Ye Laiyin murdered because of this? Is Ye Laijin not afraid of what happened just now? That's why he doesn't dare to confront others In the end, anyway, the family has a lot of money, so it's a big deal to give up some money to buy peace.

Besides, the two golden grandsons and granddaughters of this old Ye family are both born of Lianhua, our old Qian family..."

Qian Dafa interrupted her impatiently, "Stop talking about those useless things."

Of course he knew that the three grandchildren of Lao Ye's family were all his nephews of Lao Qian's family, but so what?
No one turned to them, not even their own daughters.

There is a fart in saying this!
"Let me ask you, what happened to the Shen family? Why didn't I hear anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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