The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2288 I won't go if I say no

Chapter 2288 I won't go if I say no

Qian Dafa was disheartened.

Who said that Lao Ye's family members are weak, so they will be manipulated at will?

People have plenty of money, and they can hire skilled nurses to protect themselves, so why should they be forced to give away their property to others for nothing?

Especially when something happened to Ye Laiyin, they must be more careful not to put their family in danger again.

As long as you are willing to pay the money, are you afraid that no one will work hard for you?

Furthermore, there is no shortage of food in his family, and feeding a few more big wolfhounds can also strengthen his momentum, and most people would not dare to provoke him easily.

Thinking of Erha who was Xiao Xuyang's playmate, Qian Dafa felt quite uncomfortable in his heart.

That dog's fur is smooth and its eyes are bright, not to mention energetic. It's really good to raise.

Oh, rich people are different~
He suddenly thought of Dabai, his heart froze for an instant, and he subconsciously sat up straight.

That is to say, the dog wasn't there, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to plot against Lao Ye's family if he borrowed his guts.

No amount of males is enough for that dog to take pictures.

But speaking of it, the Ye family doted on that girl too much, so such a powerful big dog didn't keep the door guard, but let her be kept by his side as a plaything, and took her to the He family.

No wonder someone dared to burglary and even killed Ye Laiyin and his wife.

Of course, Qian Dafa didn't feel sorry for his nephew, but simply expressed emotion.

His mind was in a mess, and his thoughts were so chaotic that he couldn't figure out a clue.

Then following Dabai, when he thought of He Xiner, he couldn't help but resent Old Qian. If the marriage between that girl and Takako had been settled at the beginning, their Old Qian's family would have become the richest man in the county. A little bit of leakage is enough for his whole family to eat.

Is he still using it here to count things from Lao Ye's family?

Useless things, even my own son can't control them, they are just trash!
Qian Dafa gritted his teeth.

Thinking of Qian Yuexiu who was working next to Mrs. He, he became even angrier.

Whether it's a younger sister or a daughter, there is no one who pulls her natal family, they are all white-eyed wolves, and there is no good thing!

Just when he was so angry that smoke was rising from the top of his head, old Cui watched his daughter-in-law prepare the meals with bright eyes, and called him enthusiastically, "Old man, come and eat quickly, he has to do business when he is full."

Qian Dafa remained expressionless, "What business are you doing?"

The beaming old Cui was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that his face was gloomy, his brows were tightly frowned, and the air pressure around him was so low that it was daunting.

This, this was fine just now, why did she suddenly turn black?

Not to mention her, even Qian Jin was surprised.

There were still smug smiles on their faces, and they were all in high spirits, looking very high-spirited, as if they had done something great, and they were flamboyant and frightened.

Even when he suddenly met Qian Dafa's black face, he didn't stop the smile on his face for a moment.


Qian Jin said hesitantly, "Didn't we agree to go to Lao Ye's house after dinner?"

Qian Dafa sighed heavily in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "When did I say that?"


Before his words fell completely, old Cui became anxious, opened his mouth and was about to shout, but was glared by Qian Dafa, "I know what I know, so you don't need to talk too much!"

Seeing that he was serious, Qian Jin and the others were anxious, "Father, what do you mean?"

"It means that they all stay at home honestly and don't go anywhere."

For his sudden decision, Old Cui and the others felt that they could not accept it. They obviously talked very vigorously just now, but they changed their minds just now.

However, no matter what they said or how they asked, Qian Dafa always said, "I won't go if I don't say so."

When he feels good?
As long as there is a way, he doesn't want to give up the fat of Lao Ye's family.

Old Cui and his sons and daughters-in-law were all mourning, and they felt that the money they got was flying away, and they felt extremely unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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