The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2289 Big Brother Don't Need To Persuade Anymore

Chapter 2289 Big Brother Don't Need To Persuade Anymore
At the beginning, because of plotting against He Xiner, the old Ye family turned their backs and refused to recognize their relatives. They were extremely dissatisfied in their hearts, but because of Dabai's shock, no matter how many complaints they had, they could only swallow them in their stomachs.

I really can't afford it.

No matter how large their family is, they will only be beaten against Dabai. In desperation, they can only cut off all thoughts.

This is also a matter of no choice, it is not easy to take advantage of Lao Ye's family.

With no hope of taking advantage, they can only accept their fate and continue to live a tight life. .

But now there is a chance, how can you give up lightly?

The big dog was taken to He's house by Ye Xin'er, Ye Laiyin was gone, and Ye Laicai was said to have gone to be a door-to-door son-in-law, and there were only three male laborers left in the whole old Ye family, how could he dare to be tough with them? ?
Shouldn't they be left to their own devices?

The good times for their old Qian's family have arrived!
The more they thought about it, the more excited they became, and they even started to figure out how to spend the money. The more they thought about it, the more beautiful it became.

In the cold weather, it is hard to feel the blood in the body is boiling, and there is a kind of hearty refreshment.

But in a short while, Qian Jin and the others had already thought a lot, and their thin and thin bodies were almost unable to hold the raging ambition.

It’s fine to have no thoughts at first, but once the desire is opened, there will be no end to it, and it will never be satisfied.

Is it easy to give up the idea?
Not to mention that they were having a good time, imagining the joy of counting money with excitement, but they were poured a basin of cold water by his father, and they were so heartbroken that they almost vomited to death.

But Qian Dafa is determined to go his own way and cannot be refuted, and it is not easy for Lao Cui and Qian Jin to stand up to him.

But it is impossible to make them give up Nianxiang, the only way is to grind with him slowly.

The result was beyond their expectations. This time, Qian Dafa's attitude was unprecedentedly firm, and he would not let go of anything.

So, old Cui and others twisted into a rope to compete with him, and the family's life in Japan was twisted, stumbling, and all kinds of troubles.


After the fifth day of the lunar new year, He Jiaheng and He Jiajie came together to welcome He Xiner back home, but He Xiner said that she wanted to stay at Lao Ye's house and serve her parents for three years.

The two brothers were a little embarrassed, but at the same time they admired her very much.

The fourth younger sister is pure and filial, kind and gentle, few people can match her.

He Jiaheng pondered and said, "Fourth sister's mood is understood, but we really don't feel relieved if you stay here alone..."

He Xin'er lowered her eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Brother, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I won't change my mind."

Look at her indifferent and distant appearance, no longer the kindness she used to have.Both He Jiaheng and He Jiajie felt uncomfortable.

The gloomy, cold, empty and quiet woman in front of him is completely different from the little fairy with the aura before him.

He Jiajie gritted his teeth secretly.

It's all the fault of that bastard He Jiaming!
Fearing that He Jiaheng's continued persuasion would annoy He Xiner, he hurriedly said, "Fourth Sister has only two maids by her side, I'm afraid she won't be too busy, so I'll send all the people in your courtyard over tomorrow..."

"Need not."

The simple and clear rejection made He Jiajie quite uncomfortable, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

He Xiner suddenly said, "I want to ask my brother for a favor..."

Oh my God!
Fourth sister finally took the initiative to speak.

Both He Jiaheng and He Jiajie cheered up, looking at her with burning eyes, and He Jiajie even jumped ahead and asked, "Fourth sister, if you have something to do, just tell fourth brother, don't bother the boss."

Hearing this, He Jiaheng, who has always been calm and upright, almost rolled his eyes.

"Big brother and fourth brother, please get me some Buddhist scriptures. I want to copy the scriptures for my parents to pray for blessings."

He Jiaheng and He Jiajie looked at each other subconsciously, and they both saw distress and helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Fourth sister, don't worry, we will do it when we get back, and we will never delay your business."

(End of this chapter)

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