Chapter 2290

He Xiner nodded and said nothing.

Seeing this, He Jiaheng and He Jiajie politely bid farewell.

After a few days, the two came together again.

This time they used four carriages.

Not only did he bring two little maids and two wives to He Xiner, but he also brought a lot of food and various items.

Even if you want to keep your filial piety, you don't have to live a hard life, right?

How could the daughter of the He family live in such a shabby life?

Two rough envoys, two little maids, and two personal maids are already the most simplified configuration.

As soon as Xiao Qian stepped out of the old house, she saw the brothers of the He family directing the coachman to move boxes and cages from the carriage at the back, and she immediately widened her eyes.

This, this is moving for the dead girl?
Could it be that the He family doesn't want her anymore?
How does this work!
Originally, she was going to the second room to ask Mrs. Cao to do her job, but after seeing such a shocking scene, she couldn't remember anything else.

At this moment, her mind was full of thoughts about the end, the dead girl was coming back to fight for the family property.

Xiaoqian subconsciously wanted to step forward to stop her, but when she quarreled with others in the village, she didn't have the guts to confront the two imposing rich young masters.

What's more, they were accompanied by four tall and strong coachmen, if, if they made a move, it would be her who would suffer.

Oops, what should I do?
"This box is full of high-quality porcelain. You must be careful when you lift it, and you must not touch it."


Hearing the movement, Xiao Qian, who was thinking wildly, retreated into the door wall, poked her head out to look out, and saw two pretty little girls standing in front of the carriage at this time, and none of the He family brothers were there, Xu Shi already in.


Little Qian was full of confusion.

She became even more confused when she saw that the little girl in blue was holding a kitten in her arms.

This this……

She muttered inwardly.

What does this He family mean?
Xiao Qian's eyes widened, staring fixedly at a group of people not far away, lest she miss something.

Then I saw two more women coming out of the door, they got into the carriage in front, took a stack of brocade boxes, and went straight into the second room.

And the two little girls watched the coachman move all the boxes and cages in before going in together.

This, what's the situation?
Little Qian couldn't hold her breath any longer, turned around and ran, and ran into the upper room in one breath, just as she raised the curtain, she didn't even look carefully at what was going on inside, so she yelled, "It's not good, congratulations!" The family is here..."

"What are you yelling about?"

At this time, the upper room was full of people. Old Ye Tou, Ye Han and the old man sat at the upper end, and several other elderly people sat on the armchairs at the lower end.

The village chief Ye Changshou and his younger brother Ye Changsheng were also there.

And his son Ye Fuyun stood and talked with Ye Shitian and his son, Guan Xiuyuan and his son, and Ye Laijin.

It was naturally Ye Laijin who scolded Xiaoqian in a cold voice.

With a cold face, he stopped Xiaoqian who was whimpering at first glance, and said in a deep voice, "Big guy, let's talk first, I'll go to the second room to have a look."

Ye Changshou and others hurriedly said, "Just go, these things are not urgent."

Ye Laijin nodded, strode out, and drove out Little Qian who was rolling his eyes.

Little Qian, who wanted to listen to the wall at first, saw Ye Laijin walking very fast, so he trotted after him after a little thought, "Master, I see that the He family is going to kill...the second girl is kicked out..."

In a moment of carelessness, she almost said bald, and quickly stopped talking, and quickly changed her address, trying to get away with it.

However, Ye Laijin still heard it, he stopped suddenly, and said coldly, "What did you just say?"

"Ah, no, nothing..."

Little Qian was afraid that he would make a move, so she quickly took two steps back and said, "I, I just saw that the He family sent back all the second girl's things, so they definitely don't want her..."

Ye Laijin's veins throbbed.

"Xin girl will keep mourning for her second child and siblings at home for three years..."

He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and spoke to her with rare patience, but it's a pity that Xiao Qian's eyes are not long-eyed, and he is a face-to-face. Seeing that his attitude is not bad, he lost his scruples for a while and let her Temper rises.

"What! You mean the dead girl won't leave?"

Xiaoqian screamed, "Who used her to pretend to be filial piety? I'm going to kick her out now..."

(End of this chapter)

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