The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2293 What is the use of you coming

Chapter 2293 What is the use of you coming
Xiaoqian felt that she was really about to smoke, but no one went to boil her saliva to drink, it was too much.

She waved her hand impatiently, "I have something to discuss with dad, how can he talk when he comes?"

"What's the use of you coming..."

Hearing this, Qian Qi was so excited that he jumped on his feet, who cares to talk to you!
Qian Dafa's eyes flashed lightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Okay! Your uncle's family can't live without him, so don't come if he doesn't come."

After Qian Jin finished drinking, he said to old Cui, "It's really tiring for the lotus to walk all the way against the wind. You should hurry up and arrange to boil water for cooking."

Xiaoqian hurriedly said, "I want to eat meat, mother should bring out more meat for cooking. These days I'm a vegetarian every day, I'm almost turning into a rabbit."

"Big sister, this is our family and Lao Ye's family. You can eat chicken, duck and fish if you want? We poor people don't have those good things."

"Hey? Who are you fooling by saying this? Didn't you move all the New Year's goods bought by Lao Ye's family? Don't tell me that you ate them all, I won't believe it."

"You have the nerve to say it! There are so many good things in Lao Ye's family, how can you just eat them all, not to mention that the juniors have to keep their filial piety, and they can't eat them. I don't see you using them to be filial to your father. mother!"

"Whoever said he didn't come, has never seen someone so unfilial."

"If you don't come to pay New Year's greetings to your parents on the second day of the new year, you will come here empty-handed and eat this and that. You are too embarrassed."


Seeing that Xiaoqian didn't even take a decent gift, Jiang's and the others were dissatisfied at first, but she didn't realize it, and asked for this and that carelessly, they were all very annoyed, and immediately quarreled regardless.

Xiaoqian's head suddenly burst into smoke.

These people robbed her of her flesh, and they beat her up in turn, accusing her of her faults, which is simply unreasonable.

Those things are worse than feeding the dogs.

"You, you..."

Xiaoqian's voice was so hoarse that she could hardly speak, and she really didn't have the energy to make any more noise. She squinted her eyes and looked around, but she didn't see a drop of water, so she was going to look for it in the backyard in a fit of anger.

Everyone in the Qian family who didn't know why was surprised to see her suddenly walk out without saying a word. Is this going to leave?

Qian Dafa's expression changed slightly and he was about to speak, but was preempted by Mrs. Cui, "Hey, hey, hey, don't go! Don't you have something to say? Why are you so anxious!"

Jiang and the others came back to their senses in an instant, and immediately rushed forward, blocking Xiaoqian's way.

"What's the big sister doing? It's rare to come back, and I haven't had a good talk with my parents yet, so why worry?"

"That's right, big sister, come sit down and have a good talk with your parents."


A few hands firmly grasped Xiao Qian's, dragging her down on the wooden bench, not allowing her to move.

"let me go……"

Little Qian blushed with anger, and wished he could kick all these shrews away.

Old Cui also leaned over, grabbed her arm and asked, "What are you here for?"

Just when Little Qian couldn't help but want to bite someone, Qian Dafa said again, "Calm down!"

He frowned and stared at Old Cui, "Why don't you hurry up and boil water for cooking?"

"But, but..."

Old Cui was impatient, eager to find out the reason for Xiaoqian's visit, how could he have the heart to do anything else.

"If you have anything to say, wait until after dinner. Go and pour some water for the lotus."

"Don't worry about cooking..."

Under Qian Dafa's sullen gaze, he was forced to swallow the latter words.

Old Cui's heart tightened, and he didn't dare to talk anymore, so he hurriedly arranged a few daughters-in-law to work.

"Isn't there still some bacon from last time? I just used it to entertain my eldest sister. I also asked her to taste my cooking. Mother will bring it to me."

How could Old Cui be willing, she still wanted to keep it and eat it slowly.

From the food brought back from Lao Ye's house, there was only this bit of bacon left.

Qian Dafa rolled his eyes, "Go and get it."

Old Cui had no choice but to go get it, Jiang immediately followed, Huang, Hu and Xue were not far behind, and hurriedly followed to see the scene.

It was finally quiet in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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