Chapter 2294 Tell me something

Qian Dafa was sitting on the head, his eyes slightly lowered, not looking at Little Qian.

No matter how anxious he was in his heart, it didn't show on his face.

After all, he is a very old person, so he can still hold his breath.

Brother Qian Jin couldn't bear his temper, and asked, "It will be quiet now, if you have anything to say, tell me quickly."

In fact, Xiaoqian is even more impatient than him. With her temper, she would have yelled as soon as she entered the door, but she was tired and thirsty after driving all the way, and her mind was only thinking of drinking water and resting, so she temporarily put aside the business up. .

Just now there were a few more quarrels, and her throat was even more uncomfortable. She wished she could jump into the water tank and drink her fill, and she couldn't care less about talking.

Hearing Qian Jin's question, she rolled her eyes directly, but she couldn't help it. She turned her head to look at Qian Dafa, and said in a hoarse voice, "That damned girl Ye Xin'er said that she would keep her filial piety for three years , Lai stays at Lao Ye's house and won't leave..."

This was the last thing she could tolerate.

Ever since Ye Laiyin and his wife had an accident, she was full of thoughts to go to the second room to search, and put all the silver, jewelry and other things into her pocket.

Even Wang's clothes, she plans to move them back.

She had coveted those dresses with exquisite patterns and high-quality materials for a long time, wishing she could wear them all on herself.

Of course, if she can manage the family, she won't care about other people's old clothes.

It's a pity that Ye Laijin didn't let go of the silver. She wanted to buy a few beautiful, decent and expensive clothes, but she could only think about it.

Originally, she was jealous that the Wang family was getting richer and richer, but in the end, she was unlucky, leaving behind a bunch of good things that she couldn't take away.

Then she will not dislike it.

It can't be wasted, right?

Xiaoqian's abacus was rattling, but he never succeeded.

The main reason was that He Xiner came back in time, she was afraid of knowing it, so she could only endure it for the time being.

She thought that He Xin'er was usually generous with money, and she was not short of money, so she probably wouldn't rob her of things.

Besides, she has changed her surname to He, so how can she have the face to inherit the second room's property?

It doesn't make sense.

Therefore, Xiao Qian, who has always been impatient, had to endure it for the sake of a better life in the future.

Those things on the left and right are hers, and no one dares to snatch them from her.

But who knew that He Xiner would not leave.

Her wishful thinking has completely come to nothing, how can she be reconciled.

These days, her heart was on fire, yes, her heart and lungs ached, and the more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became, she really hated He Xiner.

The dead girl is too greedy, even if she occupies the share of the He family, she also wants to dominate the share of the old Ye family. She wants all the good things in the world, and she is not afraid of holding on to death.

Xiaoqian was annoyed and wanted to find an opportunity to drive He Xiner away. It would be best for her to give up completely and stop thinking about Lao Ye's family.

It's okay to run people away, after all, she's a little girl, no matter how greedy she is, she still needs face, otherwise she won't rely on Lao Ye's family under the guise of keeping filial piety.

This is not only wanting fame, but also wanting benefits.

Hmph, look at how embarrassing you are!
So, in order to deal with He Xiner, the lazy man didn't even lie down on the hot kang, thinking of ways to toss every day.

Earlier, she used the pretext of looking for Xiao Xuyang to go to the second room, and after entering the door, she handed over the money from her elders, expressing that she wanted to see He Xiner, but it didn't work.

Then she was found out by Bai Shi, and she never entered the door of the second room again.

Little Qian almost went mad with anger.

If it wasn't for Dabai's scruples, she would have scolded the street.

The second room couldn't get in, and her idea of ​​trying to run people away could only end in failure.

Xiaoqian was unwilling in every possible way.

She knew that Old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin would not be able to provoke them, so she didn't dare to make plans with them.

Therefore, he became more and more jealous towards He Xiner.

How can I drive this damn girl away?

Xiaoqian has ambitions, but he has no matching ability, and his ability to play tricks can't be used in front of Dabai.

It's almost killing her.

After tossing around without a clue for a few days, she suddenly found that the Ye Mancang brothers and Guan Mingwei seemed to be sleeping in the workshop every day.

And there are a few more little wolf dogs in the house, and two more are raised in the workshop.

This, is this for business?
It shouldn't.

The second child is not yet five or seven.

Xiaoqian was full of doubts.

It's not that she doesn't want to start the workshop, it's just that she knows the temperament of old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin, they value Ye Laiyin's matter more than earning money.

How could you be in a hurry to start a business.

(End of this chapter)

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