The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2295 You are saying something

Chapter 2295 You're Saying Something
Little Qian, who had never been able to use his brain, became clever for a while, but became even more confused, because he couldn't understand what old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin were going to do.

On weekdays, she never cared about family affairs.

How comfortable it is to eat and drink enough to sleep late, what to do with those idle minds.

But if she can be the head of the family and take charge of the family's money, she is not afraid to worry about it.

Unfortunately that is not possible.

As a result, Xiaoqian, who ate and slept every day, lived a life of a pig, his mind, which was not smart at all, became more and more dull.

This time, he was able to keenly sense that the atmosphere at home was not right because of He Xiner.

She was really worried that old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin and his son were deceived by He Xiner and carelessly divided the family business.

So, she diligently listened to the corner.

It really made her hear something amazing, and she was so angry that she almost burst, wishing to smash Lao Yetou's head.

But he has no guts.

She is not completely stupid, she naturally knows to be afraid.

If he really made a move, Ye Laijin could beat her to death.

But as long as she has breath, she must not just sit and watch Lao Ye's things being robbed by outsiders.

But what should she do?

No one in Lao Ye's family could help her.

It's not that there is nothing to do, so I thought of asking her father for help.


Qian Jin jumped up from the bench with a cry, "She hasn't left? No, her surname is no longer Ye. What kind of filial piety is she still keeping?"

At this moment, his mind is full of thoughts, that girl is here, and her dog is there. With it guarding the house, the brothers don't expect to be able to hold Lao Ye's house.

He was naturally in a hurry.

Hearing his ghostly screams, Xiao Qian rolled her eyes in disgust, but she didn't speak, mainly because her throat was too uncomfortable.

Next, Qian Jin threw down waves of questions, almost burying her, but he still didn't speak.

If it was normal, she would have jumped and scolded.

What kind of virtue, sprayed her face with saliva, it stinks to death.

But now she doesn't have the strength to swear, and besides, she has to find someone to help, so it's not good to cause trouble at this juncture.

Qian Jin yelled wildly, but saw that Xiaoqian was dumb, and didn't say a word, his eyes were burning with anxiety, "You should say something!"

Qian Dafa stood motionless like an old monk, but his brain was running crazily. Thousands of thoughts came flooding in, churning violently in his mind.

Just when Qian Jin was about to lose control, Little Qian finally waited for a bowl of life-saving hot water, and immediately ignored the scalding, snoring and drinking while blowing, and only when the bowl of water was completely swallowed did she raise her head in satisfaction.

"I still want to drink, oh, no, let's make a cup of tea..."


Qian Jin interrupted her impatiently, "You are returning the tea leaves, you think old Qian's family is a big landlord? Hurry up and get down to business."

Little Qian curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

If she didn't need their help, she wouldn't be bothered to go through this journey.

"Father, help me drive that dead girl out of Lao Ye's house..."

"Qian Lianhua, are you crazy? Do you want our brothers to be beaten to death by dogs?"

"Don't worry, the dog is not at home."


Just when Qian Jinyou didn't believe it, Qian Dafa's eyes lit up, and he frowned and asked, "Are you sure that dog isn't there?"

Xiaoqian said, "It's really not here. I heard with my own ears that Mr. Xu Sheng took Dabai away for more than ten days."

Qian Jin couldn't help asking, "Shouldn't Xu Sheng keep his filial piety at home? Why is he taking the dog with him at this time?"

"It seems that the villain who killed Ye Laiyin has been tracked down."

Xiaoqian said indifferently, now she only wants to drive He Xiner away as soon as possible, the sooner the better, she must be driven away before the big dog comes back.

I didn't think about whether my son who was running around would be in danger, let alone how hard he was.

Qian Jin's eyes flickered, since the big dog was not around, things would be easier to handle.

He glanced at Xiaoqian lightly, and said in a deep thought, "What's your idea?"

You can't use people for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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