Chapter 2300 I laughed to death
Little Qian gritted her teeth, "Didn't I promise to give you half?"


Qian Jin looked rogue.

When he didn't know what she was up to, hmph, if he wanted to dismiss him casually, there was no way.

As long as he holds the golden doll in the palm of his hand, the whole second room will be his, and there will be a steady stream of income, which is no less than the money of the big room, so why should he listen to her.

Thinking of this, he glanced up and down at her with disgust, curled his lips and said, "The eldest daughter-in-law who gave birth to two golden grandchildren to Lao Ye's family is actually no better than a girl with a different surname. What a waste of time." age."

Xiaoqian immediately exploded with anger.

"You, what do you mean?"

No matter what she is, she is poorer than this brood. When is it their turn to laugh at her?
"But to be honest, the eldest sister just doesn't like to listen to it."

Xiaoqian immediately stood up, and shouted in a high voice, "Brother has not succeeded yet, and he regards himself as a member of the second room?
Don't forget, Ye Laiyin has a son who was raised by the He family, do you think you can compete with him?

Even Ye Xin'er is backed by old things, how can you figure it out? "

Qian Jin's smile froze on his face, his mood reversed sharply, and he frowned impatiently.

Seeing this, Xiaoqian was a little inexplicably excited. After arguing for a long time, she finally won a round. She felt so happy, so let's not mention it.

"Also, it's useless for the old thing to value the second house. After all, the old Ye family still relies on the big house to support it. Even if I am not in charge of the family, no one can get over it. When my son becomes an official in the future, I will be the old lady of the official family, hmph , who dares to underestimate me!"

After leaving the last sentence, she left without looking back.

With a temperament like her who loves to take advantage and never suffers, and is heartless, shameless, and skinless, when will she not even care about eating for the sake of comfort? It can be seen that Qian Jin's words really hit her heart .

Qian Jin was taken aback, but when he realized it, he was in a daze, Qian Lianhua was so angry that he didn't eat, why did it feel so unreal.

"Hey, hey, I can't go..."

"Stop chasing."


"No hurry."

"Dad has an idea?"

"Just wait and see, she will come again in two days."

"Wait? What if she doesn't come? Also, Ye Xusheng and the big dog may come back at some point, and it will be difficult to think about it."

"You are so easy to catch as that villain?"


"Nothing to be desired."


As the He family's carriages entered the village from time to time, the news that He Xin'er was keeping a filial piety at Lao Ye's house spread quickly.

Not only Yejia Village, but even several nearby villages knew about it.

Today's Lao Ye's family is even more famous, and there is no one in ten miles and eight villages who doesn't know about it.

Naturally, everyone knew about He Xiner.

The eldest lady of the He family, who was transferred as a child, has long been recognized by the He family. Normally, no one would say anything if she was not filial.

But she is not afraid of offending the He family, and it is really rare for her to stay in the countryside and fulfill her filial piety.

After most people hear about this, they will sincerely praise, Tao is the way of the world, there are not many people who are so affectionate and filial.

However, there are also people who say that she was raised by the Ye family. As the saying goes, being filial to parents is the duty of children, and there is nothing to brag about.

There was even a sour way of saying that He Xiner was obviously keeping a filial piety for Lao Ye's family's money.

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately ridiculed.

The He family is the richest man in the county, the family has a big business, and the money is gone, so how can they care about the things of Lao Ye's family.

However, the person who spoke before didn't believe it at all, and was still full of sourness. He said that Ye Xin'er was just a girl, and a girl who was raised in the countryside. How could the He family pay attention to it? It's just bright.

It is precisely because of this that she wants to hold on to Lao Ye's family and not let go.

"Hey, where did you hear all this gossip? You actually said that Ye Xin'er was just superficial, haha, but I laughed to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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