The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2301 Getting farther and farther away from Lin'an County

Chapter 2301 Getting farther and farther away from Lin'an County

This person has a relative who is from the Ye family village, so he knows a lot about the old Ye family.

With a tone that is very familiar with the old Ye family, he added the hearsay news to his own understanding, and boasted triumphantly.

"Do you know the divine bird? Even the rich man in the town doesn't have any. Ye Xiner bought two casually and gave them to her little sisters to keep them for fun...

Also, every time she comes back, she always has a big box and a small box, so you can take whatever is valuable, and give what is expensive..."

It is said that it is unintentional, but it sounds intentional.

This person was just bragging, to show how powerful he is. His aunt is from the Ye family village, and the uncle's house is just across the street from the old Ye's house...

Unexpectedly, these words of his actually caused people to have a crooked mind.

The person who spoke sour words earlier was called Shen Quan. He was fooling around outside all the year round. Not to mention not doing a good job, he was still greedy for food and drink. , and then it got out of hand.

If it wasn't for the fact that their boss had an accident a few years ago and he was still hanging around outside, how could they run back to the countryside and stay there.

Although the business without capital comes in quickly, he always spends one or two. He never saves any money and is often stretched, so he has no spare money to support his family.

Their family can be said to be the poorest family in the whole village. When they are busy in winter, they only have two meals of muddled porridge a day to satisfy their hunger, and they can barely starve to death.

He was used to spending time and drinking outside, how could he bear such a poor life, it seemed like years.

If he wasn't afraid that the boss would confess him, he would have left long ago.

Speaking of which, Shen Quan is not a very courageous person, he just slowly went astray because he was lazy and lazy, but he was very careful, never attacked in the village, and stayed in Ping'an Town as much as possible.

Moreover, he was not a bad boy, he looked simple and honest at first glance, but those who didn't know him would never think that he was a stealthy thing.

Even his family members regarded him as extremely honest and never doubted him.

And he always fantasizes that one day he will "return to his hometown" after becoming a big ticket, and go home to be a rich man, so that those who used to look down on him will look up to him and fawn on him.

So he still cares about fame.

Even though he heard his family talk about Lao Ye's family many times before, he didn't have any other thoughts, and even avoided it because he was afraid that his hands would itch.

However, I still remember Lao Ye's family.

After all, their family's name is too big.

Thinking that he has been "struggling" outside for many years and still has nothing, and an ordinary farmer's family has a big business, he feels uncomfortable.

So today, when he heard someone praise Ye Xin'er, he couldn't hold back his words for a while.

Then he was despised.

At first, he was a little annoyed, but as the man blew his mind, his mentality gradually changed.

Although rabbits don’t eat grass beside their nests, why run all over the mountains when there is grass around their nests~
After making up his mind, he calmly began to talk, and the other party was led by the nose without knowing it, and all the information he knew was unknowingly wiped out.

Shen Quan curled his lips and smiled evilly.

It's time to get big.


"Xu Sheng, we are getting farther and farther away from Lin'an County."

Chen Xing frowned slightly, looking at the mountain road ahead, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, always feeling that something bad would happen.

They searched all over the He family's Zhuangzi shop, but they couldn't find any trace of He Jiaming. The man seemed to have evaporated without leaving any clues.

Even Dabai couldn't smell his breath, it was a ghost.

Without clues, they can only use stupid methods to search bit by bit.

The place they are going to now is also a property of the He family, which is extremely remote and remote, and it is also a deeply hidden business of the He family, even the eldest son of the He family may not know about it.

It's hard for Xu Sheng to find out.

Ye Xusheng was staring at a bonfire in a daze. His mind was full of He Xiner's figure. He didn't know if she was doing well now, if she had a good meal, if she had a good rest, if she... missed him. .

Hearing Chen Xing's words, he immediately withdrew his scattered thoughts and said in a deep voice, "Even if I chase to the ends of the earth, I will not give up."

Hearing this, Chen Xing nodded silently and didn't say anything else.

He, he was just a little worried about her.

If one day He Jiaming really died in their hands, the He family would probably blame her...

The two of them were thinking about their own matters, and they both remained silent, while Dabai rested on the carriage frame with his eyes closed.

After driving for a day, they just stopped to rest for a while. They collected firewood and boiled hot water. Both of them and the dog drank some, but they hadn't eaten yet.

The beggar chicken buried under the fire still needs to wait for half a cup of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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