Chapter 2302 Really Bold

As the night gradually deepened, He Xiner was still copying Buddhist scriptures.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu looked at each other silently, and both saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Forget it, just wait.

The two people communicated with each other with their eyes, and reached a consensus with eye waves, and then continued to remain silent.

It wasn't until there was a slight sound of peeling in the air that I realized that a long time had passed, and I didn't know what time it was.

Wei Yu paused for a moment, her eyes fell on the pen in He Xiner's hand, and she said softly, "It's getting late, Miss, go to rest earlier, it will be the same when you copy tomorrow."

He Xiner didn't look up, and the movement of her hands continued, as if she didn't hear it.

Seeing this, Wei Yu secretly sighed.

Luo Hua wanted to stare at the side but stopped, but finally did not speak.

The moonlight is like water, cool and quiet.

Suddenly a dog barking pierced the sky, followed by a series of barking dogs, which suddenly startled Luo Hua and Wei Yu.

"Miss, go inside."

In desperation, Wei Yu directly threw the ink stick in her hand, and went to grab He Xin'er without cleaning her hands, "Ha Erha called like this, I'm afraid there are some bad guys, Miss, go in and hide..."

"Don't worry, go and close the door first."

He Xiner was always calm, leaned slightly to avoid her hand, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Be careful, don't mess up the Buddhist scriptures."

Hearing this, Wei Yu didn't continue to pester her any longer, she really understood how much these Buddhist scriptures meant to her, so how dare she damage them.

The sound of dogs barking outside was almost continuous, and the sound became louder and louder. The people who made the noise were impatient and anxious.

After Luo Hua put down the door bolt, she quickly moved a round stool against the door, and she sat on it directly, still worried, and looked around with her black and white eyes, looking for something convenient.

Seeing this, Wei Yu also moved a round stool over, and stood against the door together with her.

"The thief who killed a thousand swords..."

Just as Luo Hua was screaming and cursing, there was an abrupt "bang bang bang" knock on the door, which was still palpitating against the background of the loud barking of dogs.

Luo Hua almost jumped up, but luckily the person who came came loudly revealed their identities, it turned out to be Mrs. Tan and the others.

"Miss, don't be afraid, we are all here."

The moment the door opened, the sound of howling dogs and the biting cold wind instantly spread to every corner of the room.

The candlelight flickered violently, and in the flickering light, Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Chi rushed in holding fire sticks.

He Xiner was sorting out the Buddhist scriptures, with a concentrated expression and gentle movements, as if she had automatically blocked the noise outside, without being affected by it in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Tan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the young lady is not afraid.

With them here, no villains will be allowed in.

At the same time, Luo Hua and Wei Yu also heaved a sigh of relief, and their tense hearts relaxed a little.

The two mothers are strong and strong, much stronger than the others, so it is not a problem to protect Miss.

"Cao Shi, go to the second room and knock on the door..."

Ye Laijin frowned and said, "But be careful, don't scare girl Xin."

"I know."

Ye Mancang, Ye Mantun brothers, Guan Xiuyuan and Guan Mingwei's father and son have already brought their new little wolf dog to arrest people.

But he was worried that the puppy would not be able to do anything, so he wanted to bring Erha to help. .

Uh, Daha and Erha don't have Dabai's ability to jump out of the yard by themselves, they can only let the people inside out.

"Don't bring Daha, let him guard girl Xin."

"it is good."

Mrs. Cao nodded to show that she understood, and she didn't care about the cold at the moment. She raised her hand and patted the door knocker, and at the same time reported her family history, "Sister Chi, open the door, I'm Yuying..."

Ye Laijin was slightly startled, but immediately realized that Yuying was Cao's boudoir name, he was inexplicably uncomfortable, and quickly turned around, not looking at her anymore.

"Father, why did you come out? It's cold outside, be careful of catching cold."

Old Yetou was still dressed thickly, and when he went out he hurriedly found a hat to put on, but his body was still shivering from the cold.

But now he can't care about the heat and cold, and he really doesn't feel relieved if he doesn't come and see for himself.

"I'm fine..."

He looked up at the bright moon like a silver plate, and said coldly, "Such a big moon hangs in the sky, shining brightly on the ground, it's not easy to hide..."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Ye Laijin, "It's really bold for someone to choose such a day to steal."

(End of this chapter)

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