The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2303 1 Must be severely punished

Chapter 2303 must be severely punished
Ye Laijin also felt that the thief was arrogant.

This is because they didn't take their old Ye family seriously.

"The thieves who went to the workshop before were found, and those people became more and more daring. They dared to touch the second room. It's really deceiving."

Ye Laijin was extremely annoyed, he clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his forehead were twitching, he must not allow anyone to escape this time.

"You bring Da Ha and Er Ha with you, and you must catch them..."

Old Yetou said in a deep voice, "Otherwise everyone will think that our Old Ye family is the owner of nowhere, and anyone will dare to make a decision."

"Then girl Xin here?"

"It's okay with me watching."

While the father and son were talking, Mrs. Chi had already opened the door and let Erha out.

"Da Ha also followed-."

It was important to arrest people, Ye Laijin didn't bother to elaborate, he just yelled and ran after Erha.

"Hey, hey..."

Seeing that Daha also rushed out, Mrs. Chi became impatient and wanted to chase after him.

Old Yetou said, "Let it go. It's important to arrest people. I'm here, so I won't let the thieves in..."


Mrs. Chi was still a little worried. It would be great if she knew her mind, and she would guard the young lady to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

As for the old man of the Ye family, his body is too thin...

She said with twinkling eyes, "Then come in, old man, it's cool outside."

The old Yetou is old and mature, and he can see her thoughts at a glance, but he is not dissatisfied. He said in a deep voice, "Shitian and the others will come over as soon as they hear the movement, and sister-in-law Bai will come too. You Go and settle down with Mrs. Cao, I'll wait for someone here."

Hearing this, Mrs. Chi finally felt at ease, and quickly responded, and went in with Mrs. Cao.

They had to quickly build a few braziers, boil some hot water, and prepare some food as well, so they couldn't let people sit there cold and haha.

Just as old Yetou expected, brothers Ye Shitian and Ye Zutian and sisters-in-law Bai and Ning rushed over quickly.

The village chief Ye Changshou, his son Ye Fuyun, Ye Changsheng and others followed closely behind, and some others came to help after hearing the sound, and a large group of people came cheering.

If there are too many people, you won't be afraid that someone will fish in troubled waters to harass He Xiner. Besides, there are sisters-in-law Bai, Ning and Cao in the second room, so even if something happens, they will call in time. Old Ye Tou is more at ease with Ye Changshou Wait for a few old people to return to the old house.

Ye Shitian, Ye Zutian, Ye Fuyun and others led people to search around the whole old Ye's house bit by bit to see if they could find some clues.

It is also necessary to eliminate uncertain risks.

In the past, someone planned to use kerosene to destroy the entire Old Ye family...

Of course, that person is running around now, so he probably has no intention of doing evil, but there are still other vicious people who are going to do it.

It's all about being careful.

Ye Changshou, Ye Changsheng, Ye Hanhe and several other old people all felt heavy.

The work of the workshop was not over yet, but now there are people acting as demons, Ye Family Village will become a den of thieves, if this continues, the reputation will be ruined.

Ye Hanhe quietly looked at the face of old Ye Tou, and saw that his brows were about to become pimples, obviously very angry.

It's no wonder that anyone who puts up such a thing will be angry.

But today's Ye Dahe is not an ordinary person, he is a pivotal figure in Yejia Village, a word can affect the lives of the people in the village.

Ye Hanhe was a little worried, afraid that he would take back all the previous promises when he was angry, and would no longer give favors, so he racked his brains to comfort him with a good voice, and did not forget to wink with Ye Changshou and others.

"Don't worry, Dahe, your family's affairs are the big guy's affairs, even if you try your best, you will find out..."

"This matter must be severely punished, so as not to have any perverted thoughts."

"Yes, I want to kill chickens and show them to monkeys, to see which one dares to make trouble and ruin the reputation of the village..."


Everyone chattered to comfort him, and Lao Yetou responded with a lot of face, and nodded from time to time to express his understanding. His attitude was not bad, but his brows furrowed deeper.

Ye Changshou secretly sighed, thinking that the thief who kills thousands of knives should not be caught if he has the ability, otherwise I will definitely drive you out of Yejia Village...

He was angrily planning how to deal with people, but he didn't know who Old Yetou's anger was targeting.

(End of this chapter)

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