Chapter 2304 Just raise a pig
The commotion tonight was so loud that everyone in Yejia Village could probably hear it.

First, Erha and Erha barked abruptly, and then the four newly raised little wolf dogs were also affected by it, screaming maniacally.

Although they are small in size, their voices are not small, and they are sharp and piercing. A series of calls rang together, making people overwhelmed.

Guan Xiuyuan and his son resting in the West Wing, Ye Mangui and Ye Manliang in the East Kuayuan, and Ye Mancang and Ye Mantun in the workshop almost jumped up from the kang when they heard the dog barking.

Not to mention Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin, they all reacted immediately, hurriedly put on their clothes and ran out to have a look.

Ye Mancang and the others didn't care to meet and discuss, and ran directly after the barking little wolf dog. Although they didn't yell loudly, the noise was not small. Lao Ye's house is even more lively than going to the market.

With such a big commotion, Xiaoqian didn't get quarreled.

Simply. .

This big night, the big guy crawled out of the warm blanket and came to help against the biting cold wind, while his old Ye's family hid in the house and slept.

Mrs. Cao was arranged by him to go to the second room to help, and then he couldn't even drink hot water at the old house.

Old Yetou was extremely angry.

Something that is not filial or virtuous is not worthy of being the eldest daughter-in-law of Lao Ye's family.

In front of everyone, no matter how dissatisfied he was in his heart, it would not be easy for him to explode. Besides, Ye Laijin was not around, so it was inconvenient for him to go to the big room to shout.

So the anger was only suffocated, and it was about to explode.

Fortunately, Mrs. Cao knew that Mrs. Qian was unreliable, so she made arrangements with Mrs. Ning and returned with Mrs. Bai.

Just when Lao Yetou couldn't bear to make a small red clay stove to boil water by himself, the thick cotton curtain was suddenly raised high, and the cold wind filled the room, almost blowing out the candles.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look, and saw Mrs. Bai holding a large kettle in one hand and raising the curtain with the other, while Mrs. Cao walked in with a big tray.

"The wind howling and howling wolves outside are right. The big guys are freezing all the way here, right? Drink some ginger syrup to go to the cold and warm your body."

Mrs. Bai warmly greeted everyone, and then she and Mrs. Cao quickly made ginger syrup and delivered it to everyone one by one.

"The old man also drinks a bowl of ginger syrup to keep warm, and leave the small stove to me."

"Ah, good."

Old Yetou smiled gently at Cao's, and his heart warmed slightly. Cao's temperament is similar to Wang's...

Thinking of the virtuous and filial Wang family, his eye sockets are sore and swollen.

After silently feeling sad for a while, Fang picked up the bowl and drank it unhurriedly.

After drinking a bowl of warm ginger syrup, the stomach was immediately warm, and then the warm current quickly spread to the limbs and face, making the whole body warm.

His energy was greatly lifted, and his mood improved a lot. Finally, he stopped frowning, and his whole body instantly became clear.

He didn't want to be angry with Xiaoqian any more.

Just treat it as a pig, and don't expect her to do anything, so she won't be angry.

However, Xiaoqian, who was despised by Lao Yetou as a pig at this time, did not sleep soundly.

The commotion outside was about to turn upside down, if she could still sleep soundly, she would really be a pig.

Xiaoqian lay in the warm blanket, leaned over and listened with her ears up, but it was quieter here, and she didn't hear any noise, so she couldn't help muttering, "This person can't do it, that's all." Little movement, how can you scare Ye Xiner away..."

Immediately thinking of something, she pulled the corners of her mouth and laughed triumphantly. It was great that she could drive Ye Xiner away without begging Qian Jin for help.

However, things were beyond her expectations. The escaped thief was captured by Ye Mancang brothers, and happened to meet Ye Shitian and others in the yard. They quarreled for a long time.

A group of people were clamoring, and if you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't know what they were saying. Coupled with the barking of a few little wolf dogs from time to time, it was even more chaotic.

Little Qian almost had to stick his ears out of the window before he heard some useful information.

It turned out that the thief was not from Yejia Village.

(End of this chapter)

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