The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2305 All Holding Warm Hands

Chapter 2305 All Holding Warm Hands

Ye Changshou, Ye Hanhe and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they found out that the thief was from another village. Ye Family Village's reputation was preserved.

Besides, they don't have to worry about it.

Although he kept saying that he would be severely punished, he really couldn't bear the cruelty to drive people out of the village and let them fend for themselves outside.

Now it's all right, don't worry about anything anymore, you can deal with it as you want.

"Report to the officer."

Old Ye Tou would not expose it easily, and bluntly said that he would send him to prison, Ye Changshou and others had no objection.

"Everyone is tired, come drink a bowl of ginger syrup to warm up."

"Fill the warehouse and get the bowl."

"Mantun, Mangui, go and move a table to put things on."

"Hey, here we come."

All the people outside came back, Ye Shitian, Ye Fuyun and others entered the upper room to discuss matters, while a group of juniors stood around most of the yard in a daze.

I didn't feel anything when I was running outside, but now after standing for a while, I feel like I'm about to freeze into an ice cube.

A few boys in thinner clothes couldn't bear it intuitively, and they were muttering in their hearts that they had already shown themselves in front of Ye Laijin, so they should go back first.

It's okay to stay here, isn't it?

At this moment, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Cao came out hand in hand carrying hot water pots, bamboo baskets and other things, and greeted everyone warmly.

In the end, all the people who came to help drank a bowl of warm ginger syrup, which drove away the coldness all over their bodies, and they were not cold immediately.

When the body is comfortable, there is also a leisurely mind. His eyes wandered around to look around, watching Cao's generous spoonfuls of brown sugar, and the thoughtful man muttered that it is good to be rich. People are so open-minded, much better than his mother's so-so.

He also wants to be a rich man.

Except for a small number of these people who work in the workshop, most of them are not familiar with Lao Ye's family, and they came here despite the severe cold purely for friendship.

She is utilitarian at first, so she naturally looks at everything with calculations.

In their eyes, Bai's and Cao's warm hospitality are just good at doing things and buying people's hearts.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to leave, everyone was stuffed with two hot eggs in their hands, and they felt a little embarrassed for a while, even those who were thinking too much could not complain out of conscience.

They didn't really help much...

"The wind blows like a knife. The face is almost cracked when it blows, let alone the hands. If you are not careful, you will get chilblains. These eggs are still hot just after they are taken out of the pot. They are all warmed up. hand."

Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Cao thanked these people from the bottom of their hearts. No matter whether they helped or not, they remembered this favor.

Seeing a few unfamiliar boys rejecting with blushing faces, Bai smiled and said, "Take them all, and no outsiders don't need to be polite. If you are hungry, you can eat the skin, and if you are not hungry, you can warm your hands."

The group of boys who said this laughed, and immediately felt familiar with the old Ye family, so they thanked them lively, and then happily left with two hot eggs.

"Leave a few juniors to help watch the people together, let the others go away. I'm tired after making a fuss for half the night, so I go back to rest.

Tomorrow before dawn, I will go to the county to report to the officials, and I will have to get up after two hours of sleep. Don't talk about it now, and I will talk about it when I come back tomorrow. "

Ye Changshou waited for everyone to say that it was almost done, so he summed up the matter, and waved his big hand to indicate that it was time to go back.

He is the head of the village, and he is indispensable to report the case to the county government. Naturally, he must take the time to sleep, otherwise he will be overwhelmed.

After all, he was old and couldn't compare with the juniors.

Ye Han and several old men were older than him, so it was not easy for them to get up when they were deeply asleep, and shivering in the cold wind.

If it's someone else's house, they specified that they wouldn't come at night, and it's just to save face if they can come to condolences during the day, why should they suffer this crime.

Lao Yetou silently wrote down this favor, thinking about helping a few more families in the future.

He glanced around for a week, and finally his eyes fell on the steaming red clay stove, "Boss, go pour water..."

"Big guys drink some hot water before leaving."

It was a mess outside just now, and everyone in the house was talking non-stop, so he didn't hear what Bai Shi and others said, and he didn't know about the eggs yet.

He lowered his head and pondered, the big guys came to help kindly, and they just served them with two bowls of hot water, which is really unreasonable, but it is so late, it is not easy to instruct Mrs. Cao to do something again, let's do this first, and make up for it later when there is a chance .

She has to get up before dawn every day, and she is busy all day long. It is really hard, so let's not worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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