Chapter 2306
After making up his mind, the old Yetou stopped entangled, and just asked Brother Ye Zutian to send Ye Han and a few old people back, when the cotton curtain was raised, and Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Cao walked in with baskets.

It turned out that the two prepared hot eggs for the big guy.

Lao Ye suddenly felt comforted and felt very honored.

Ye Hanhe and the others walked away with smiles on their faces, and the old Ye family finally calmed down.

"What do you think of today's events?"

Brother Ye Mancang shut him up in the workshop, so as not to make noise and disturb others.

In the upper room, Old Yetou looked down at Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin and Guan Xiuyuan, his expression was not very good.

With no outsiders around, he didn't need to hide.

"That bastard came for girl Xin..."

Ye Laijin raised his hand in anger, wanting to slap the table into pieces, but barely stopped in mid-air, "I heard from Mrs. Cao that two big steamed buns were found in the Erfang courtyard, and they must have been soaked." Rat poison, this is to poison Daha and Erha to death."

Daha Erha is well-fed and has been deliberately trained by Ye Xusheng. Naturally, he will not eat food from unknown sources. That person is wasting his scheming.

But its sinister intentions are truly terrifying.

Ye Shitian and Guan Xiu both sullen.

Dare to play Xin girl's idea, it is simply impatient to live.

Old Yetou was so angry that his hands trembled, and he said in a deep voice, "Let's just know about it, and we have to unify our speech to the outside world. The county magistrate also said in front of him that you can't kidnap Xin girl."

"Dad said so."

"Also, tell Hao Mancang to them, don't beat people up badly, so as not to be relied upon..."

His eyes were gloomy, and his face was full of frost, "Bring more money tomorrow, and arrange it up and down, so that the cell boss can greet you..."

"My son understands."

A few people talked for a while, and then they dispersed. There are still a lot of things to do tomorrow, so they have to close their eyes and rest for a while.

Before dawn the next day, the mule and bullock carts of Old Ye's family left Ye's village and headed straight for Lin'an County.

As soon as the sky was bright, the news spread, and then it spread more and more widely. In less than half a day, there was no one in ten miles or eight villages who didn't know about it.

Lao Ye's family became the focus of gossip again, and they had everything they said for a while.

Some people say that although thieves are hateful, they can't get anything done, just beating and scolding them, and reporting them to officials is too much.

There are so many ways to torture people in that prison cell, ordinary people will lose half their lives if they go in without peeling off the skin, where is the place for people to stay.

Lao Ye's family is too ruthless.

However, there are also people who agree with the old Ye family's approach. As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake for ten years, they are afraid of grass ropes. Don't forget how Ye Laiyin and his wife disappeared.

You should be more ruthless, otherwise you won't be bullied to death.

This is really hard to refute.

It also succeeded in frightening away a lot of perverted minds.

And Shen Quan, who was about to do a big fight, was furious. Which idiot made the move? Isn't this messing with him?

This kind of incident happened one after another, the old Ye family must be more careful, and will not give anyone another chance to take advantage of.

But he is really not reconciled...

Xiaoqian slept until dawn, and immediately became excited when thinking of what happened at night, regardless of whether the child had eaten or not, she ran to the backyard to use some, and then wandered to the second room.

Yesterday Ning's sister-in-law stayed for half the night before going back, while Bai and Cao were about to fall asleep on the warm couch in the dining room.

Ning's sister-in-law came again early in the morning, bringing Ye Hexiu and the others along, and Ye Yuanyuan was naturally there too.

But everyone crowded in the dining room and didn't bother He Xiner.

We all know that she wants to copy Buddhist scriptures quietly, and a group of people are very careful when they come and go, trying not to make any noise.

"Oh, I'm here to see the second girl, what do you mean by blocking me?"

Mrs. Chi, who was guarding the gate, stopped Xiao Qian who was rushing excitedly, but she suddenly yelled loudly, causing all the gossipers at the alley to look over, as if they were going to come over at any time to watch the excitement Stance, simply don't be too obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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