Chapter 2307

Pozi Chi frowned subconsciously. There was something wrong with Mrs. Ye's family.

"Miss can't be disturbed when she is copying the Buddhist scriptures, Mrs. Ye, please go back."

"Oh, how do you serve people? The second girl was frightened, why don't you tell her to rest well..."

Seeing that the people at the entrance of the alley were about to stick their ears to her, Xiao Qian was extremely proud. She wanted to ruin Ye Xiner's reputation so that she couldn't stay any longer.

Thinking like this, she shouted louder, fearing that others would not hear it, she screamed at the top of her voice, but suddenly there was a loud shout from behind, "Shut up"!
The sudden voice startled Xiaoqian, but she instinctively said back, "I'll come and see the second girl, what are you yelling at..."

The voice was thick and thick just now, she thought it was Ye Laijin, but when she turned around to look, she realized it was the dark-faced old Ye Tou.

Accompanying him are Guan Mingwei, Ye Manfu, Ye Mangui, Ye Manliang and Ye Manzhu.

For some reason, she felt that Lao Yetou's gaze seemed to be cannibalistic, which inexplicably made her frightened, and at the same time felt a little guilty.

"What a shame to be so noisy, why don't you go home!"

Lao Yetou tried his best to suppress his temper, and drove people away with a cold face.

"I, I haven't seen the second girl yet..."

Little Qian, who was still a little guilty at first, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he didn't continue to yell.

She has always been a shameless person, although she also felt that it was a bit embarrassing to be reprimanded in front of the juniors, but she didn't really care about it.

After all, compared with benefits, face is nothing.

Now the opportunity is rare, she has to strike while the iron is hot to scare Ye Xiner away.

"She's fine, what do you want? If you have this spare time, why not spend more time with Xu Yang and go back quickly."

Fearing that the people at the entrance of the alley would not be able to hear him, Little Qian almost shrieked and screamed, so Lao Yetou, who was still in the yard, heard it, and immediately rushed out to stop him.

Guan Mingwei and the others had been with him all the time, so they naturally heard Xiao Qian's sharp shouts.

Ye Manfu's brothers couldn't figure out what kind of madness she was, and they wanted to howl at the top of their voices, but they didn't think much about it. They were just a little dissatisfied with her for disturbing He Xiner.

But with Old Yetou around, it's not their turn to say anything, just listen to Grandpa.

Guan Mingwei was thoughtful, he didn't show anything on the surface, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart, this woman obviously had intentions...

Xiaoqian was very unwilling, she rolled her eyes and glanced at the door of the second room, thinking of rushing in first, the old thing can't come and catch her.

However, Mrs. Chi didn't give her a chance at all, she bowed her knees to Lao Yetou from a distance, and slammed the door shut.

Xiaoqian fell on her back in anger, and couldn't shout in front of Lao Yetou, so she could only leave in a desperate manner.

"Hmph, I don't believe it anymore, the thieves have come to the door, and that damn girl can stay here!"

She couldn't get through the door of the second room, she had no choice but to hope that He Xiner would go back to He's house after being frightened.

She was surprised, how can a little girl have so many eyes, so calculating.

Isn't it good to be the eldest lady of the He family? Why do you have to be greedy for the things of Lao Ye's family? It's really abominable.

The more Xiaoqian thought about it, the angrier she became, she turned around the room a few times cursing, and finally decided that she couldn't just wait like this.

She has to talk to people, let everyone know that the thief climbed the wall and entered the yard of the second room in the middle of the night last night...

The more Xiaoqian thought about it, the more she felt that this was a good idea, and immediately ran out excitedly. Unexpectedly, Old Ye Tou, Guan Mingwei, and Ye Manfu happened to accompany Ye Han and several old people into the yard, and saw her rushing away in a gust of wind. Come over and almost bump into someone.

"What are the chicken feet running for?"

Old Yetou simply thought that she was not pleasing to the eye, and said coldly, "Go and boil water to make tea and send it to the upper room."

Xiaoqian, who had barely stopped, almost jumped up when he heard the words, "Why did Dad order me? These jobs are all Cao's work!"

Old Yetou's face was so gloomy that he almost dripped water.

Of course he knew what Little Qian was, but he never expected that she would dare to contradict him in front of so many elders.

"Am I telling you not to move you?"

Old Yetou narrowed his eyes slightly, he wanted to see if this bastard dared to admit it.

Although Xiao Qian's heart was guilty, she didn't want to work. Her eyes flickered and she whispered, "Isn't there Cao's..."

"Big Uncle!"

A rough voice suddenly sounded, instantly suppressing Xiao Qian's words, and at the same time attracting the big guy's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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