The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2308 He's Not At Home

Chapter 2308 He's Not At Home
This voice was really loud, causing everyone to turn around subconsciously, and saw Qian Dafa entering the yard with an unhappy expression, followed by Qian Jin with a flattering smile, and Qian Lai with twinkling eyes.

Old Ye's eyes moved slightly, he didn't want to see the Qian family from the bottom of his heart, but he still remembered that all the members of the Qian family were mobilized to support Lao Ye's family.

When the family affairs are settled, discuss with the boss how to help the old Qian's family, even if it is to repay the previous favor.

It's better to have less dealings in the future.

"Brother is here."

These thoughts circled in my mind, but after a few breaths, Lao Yetou had already made up his mind.

He looked at Qian Dafa who was getting closer and closer, and greeted Qian Dafa calmly.

At this time, two tall and thin figures appeared suddenly, and followed Qian Lai into the courtyard.

Old Yetou's eyes were dark.

Those were Qian Hua from the first house of the Qian family and Qian Gui from the second house.

Qian Dafa deliberately brought his grandson here, fearing that he had ulterior motives.

Just when old Yetou was vigilant, little Qian's face turned pale with fright. What did Qian Jin want to do? Could it be that he came to tear her down?

The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong, and she had an intuition that Qian Jin was here to make trouble. Thinking of his threat before, Little Qian's heart was pounding.

At this time, if there is any intention to do other things, it is natural to pay close attention to people.

"Go boil water and make tea."

After Old Yetou welcomed everyone into the upper room, he once again ordered Xiaoqian to do things.

Little Qian was staring at Qian Jin with a warning in his eyes, a little impatient to hear him ordering people around again, but he didn't dare to talk back.

It's because the old Yetou's gaze is too scary, and her father also cast a stern warning gaze. Under the double pressure, she didn't have the guts to be a monster again, so she could only do things obediently.

What happened last night was full of uproar, and the Qian family and his son naturally heard the news, Qian Jin immediately became anxious, fearing that He Xiner would be frightened by the villains as Xiao Qian said, so he automatically returned to the He family.

He will never allow this to happen.

Not to mention that Qian Lianhua was not allowed to act as a demon to scare away his predestined daughter-in-law.

The old Qian's family will depend on that girl for their future prosperity, how could he let others figure it out.

Not to mention that Qian Jin was in a hurry, even Qian Dafa, who was originally calm and restrained, was faintly worried. It wasn't that the two of them decided to bring Qian Hua to Lao Ye's house after discussing it.

As a result, Qian Duo listened to it, and immediately refused to let him go, saying that he was the grandson-in-law appointed by the old Qian family, but his family was expensive, so there was nothing wrong with Qian Hua.

Qian Jin sneered, why the old Ye family wanted to break ties with them, could it be that they have forgotten.

However, it is a matter of profit, and money will not give an inch.

The two brothers quarreled furiously, causing Qian Dafa to become dizzy, and as a last resort, he brought Qian Hua and Qian Gui with him.

But before he has anything to say, no one is allowed to make small moves behind his back, otherwise, if something happens to the old Ye's family, he will break his legs and drive him out of the house.

Both Qian Hua and Qian Gui agreed, and this was the reason for this trip.

"Why didn't you see Xu Sheng?"

Qian Dafa glanced around, and asked seemingly unintentionally.

"he is not at home."

Old Yetou was concise and to the point.

Qian Jin's eyes flickered, "Xu Sheng is not here, Xu Yang is still young..."

He originally wanted to say that such a big house was really unsafe with only two men guarding it, Ye Tou and Ye Laijin, his father and son, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly couldn't continue.

His eyes turned around Guan Mingwei and Ye Manfu brothers, it was really hard for him to pretend that he didn't know anything.

But, but these people don't have their own children to use it.

"We just heard about what happened last night. My father was very worried. He said that he would not come to see for himself. He was really worried. He called my two brothers to accompany him and hurried out.

That meeting left in such a hurry that I didn't even have time to talk to the third and fourth.

In the end, I ran into Huazi and Guizi on the street, and my father said that he happened to let them come to accompany my eldest uncle..."

The meaning of Qian Jin is very clear, that is to let Qianhua and Qiangui live in Lao Ye's house for a long time. It is called to relieve Lao Ye's boredom, but the actual meaning is that Lao Qian's family has made Lao Ye's popular.

(End of this chapter)

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