Chapter 2309
Although Qian Jin was full of smiles and seemed humble, people with eyes could see his real thoughts: See how righteous my old Qian family is, and your old Ye family should appreciate it.

In fact, the thoughts in his eyes were so obvious that he barely concealed them.

Ye Han and the other old people quietly exchanged glances, and they all felt a little disdainful in their hearts. They obviously wanted to benefit from the old Ye's family, but they put on a posture that was good for you, pretending that others couldn't see that he was full of belly. Are you calculating?

Lao Ye was expressionless, "Huazi and Takako want to stay with me?"

"That's right, the eldest uncle will just ask the two of them to do it if there is something to do, and let the two of them talk and chat with you if there is nothing to do."

Qian Jin's eyes lit up, and he grinned to his ears, "My uncle's house is deep, occupies a large area, and the population is simple..."

"Cough cough..."

He was talking vigorously, but unexpectedly, Lao Ye's face suddenly darkened, and Qian Dafa interrupted him with a heavy cough, he couldn't help feeling a little displeased.

It is a fact that the population of Lao Ye's family is small, so there is nothing to say.

Guan Mingwei frowned slightly, and glanced lightly at Qian Hua and Qian Gui, his gaze went away without any pause.

"I mean, Hua Zi and Takako are here, and there is a care for everything..."

No matter what he thinks in his heart, he still remembers why he came here, Qian Jin secretly thought that his business was important, why should he annoy Lao Ye's family over such a trivial matter, so he smiled again and tried his best to push people away.

However, Lao Yetou didn't like him, and said lightly that there were people around him, and he didn't need Qian's family to come and help.

Qian Jin was greatly disappointed, and Qian Hua and Qian Gui were even more unwilling, but they had learned from the past and had been told repeatedly by Qian Dafa, no matter how dissatisfied they were in their hearts, they did not dare to make trouble.

On the contrary, Qian Dafa was already mentally prepared, knowing that Lao Ye's family was guarding against Lao Qian's family, so he was not too disappointed.

But they kindly came to help, but Ye Dahe not only didn't appreciate it, but also dismissed them in a few words in front of so many people, which was too disrespectful to him.

"Brother just came today, I originally wanted to send someone to invite you..."

Just when Qian Dafa secretly wanted to hit Lao Ye's first two sentences, he heard such a sentence, and he was immediately refreshed. one word.

Old Yetou remained indifferent as before, as if he didn't see his burning eyes, and said in a flat tone, "I'm discussing with the village to teach the big guys to grow potatoes. The yield is high, and it can be unearthed in two or three months. The price It’s okay, if you plant two acres of land, you’ll get three or four taels of silver..."

Ye Hanhe and the others all looked serious. They could earn a few taels of silver by planting the potatoes of the previous season, which was enough to spend for a year. Where could such a good thing be found.

So it was not in vain to suffer from the cold last night.

The first few old people were all in high spirits, but the Qian family was greatly disappointed. Even Qian Dafa, who had always been deep, couldn't help but sullen his face.

Ye Dahe is playing with people like monkeys.

Potatoes are not a rare commodity. A few cents of land is enough for the whole family to eat. Who would spend money to buy them?

Look at what he said, which seems to be quite capable, but in fact it is all nonsense.

Qian was furious.

Lao Ye's family owns a workshop to do business, which is easy and decent and makes a lot of money, but they want them to dig potatoes in the dirt. Is it a joke that their Lao Qian's family can only serve the scumbags in the field?

The more Qian Dafa thought about it, the more angry he became, the flames in his heart were burning upwards, and he was almost unable to suppress it.

However, following Lao Yetou's further explanation, he finally figured out what was going on, which was rather surprising.

But still not rare.

Hmph, I kept it so tight in the past, lest they learn it, but now they will pretend to be generous, as if it's a big deal, but I just dislike the burden of this job and the low income, and I really want this job for a living.

Seeing Ye Han and them surrounded the old Ye head in high spirits asking this and that, Qian Dafa flashed a sarcasm in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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