Chapter 2311 Just let him go this time

After the matter was settled, the group returned immediately without any delay, even if it was so, it was already past time when they returned to Yejia Village.

They were in a hurry on the road, and they hadn't eaten their lunch yet. Ye Laijin looked up at the sun and frowned slightly.

It's time to eat in town.

It's not easy cooking for so many people.

It's all because he didn't think carefully, he would only worry about his family all the time, and didn't think about these people rushing on their way, whether they should rest and eat something when they were tired and tired.

Mingwei and the boys are still at home, so they are not afraid of being found to make trouble.

Just when Ye Laijin was secretly upset, the mule cart slowly drove into the village, rattling along the quiet street.

Halfway through the walk, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Since I entered the village, I haven't met a single person, which is too strange.

But soon he knew where the man had gone.

"Brothers Jin, you are finally back. Go home and have a look. Zhou Changwang from Xiaozhai Village is here, with dozens of brothers, nephews and nephews. Now your family is making a fuss and letting people go."

It turned out that the boy who was arrested was Zhou Qingcai, a native of Xiaozhai Village, with a very large family. His father and brothers had eight brothers, plus brothers and cousins ​​of his generation, and the whole family had more than 30 strong laborers.

The Zhou family relied on the prosperity of their family members and no one dared to provoke them. They had always acted arrogantly, ran amok in the village, and never suffered a disadvantage.

So when Zhou Qingcai didn't return overnight, Zhou Changwang and his wife didn't take it seriously at all.

He will come back when he has enough fooling around outside, no matter what he does, he can't suffer from left and right.

As the news of Lao Ye's family slowly spread, the news that a thief had been arrested also reached their ears. They finally felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly inquired about the news, and became more and more sure of their guess.

Zhou Changwang suddenly became angry.

Lao Ye's family is so courageous, and Zhou's family dared to catch them.

So he immediately summoned his men, and headed straight to Ye Family Village.

Hmph, it's really reckless to provoke the Zhou family just because of how much money the family has.

Even so, let you taste the power of the Zhou family!
Zhou Changwang secretly planned to take this opportunity to make a big fuss, and punish Lao Ye's family severely, so that they know who they can't offend.

The Zhou family has always done things simply and rudely, and they like to speak with their fists. This time, they also followed the usual style.

I thought it would be easy to handle the Ye family, and then they can do whatever they want.

If they let people go, they have to let them go, and if they let them lose money, they have to lose money, how simple it is!
Unexpectedly, this matter is not simple at all.

No matter how tough and arrogant the Zhou family is, they will be dumbfounded by hundreds of people.

The people in Ye Family Village are all crazy. What they want to clean up is Ye Dahe's family. What does it have to do with them?
It's really a dog meddling in oysters.

Zhou Changwang gritted his teeth in hatred, and wanted to kill someone.

But he insisted on not daring to do anything, and only yelled for Lao Ye's family to let him go.

"They're all from the folks in the village, maybe they're relatives who have turned around, and they're all from our own family, so forgive others where they should be forgiven."

"Yeah, the child is still young and likes to play around. If something is wrong, you can scold or hit him twice. How can you report it to the official? It's too cruel."

"I will apologize to you on behalf of the child. I beg you, sir, if you have a lot, just let him go this time."


When Ye Laijin heard that the Zhou family had come to the house, he became anxious, fearing that his father would suffer, he jumped out of the mule cart and ran home. Ye Shitian and Guan Xiuyuan also jumped out of the car and ran away without saying a word. The Zhou family really has a face up.

Ye Changshou and Ye Changsheng helped each other out of the car, called an honest villager to guard the mule cart, and then hurried to the old Ye's house.

At first, they thought there was a fight inside, but they saw that Zhou's family took turns to bomb Ye Dahe, and they begged him to let him go with both soft and hard tactics.

The two were quite surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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