The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2312 Why Are You Unreasonable?

Chapter 2312 Why Are You Unreasonable?
Not to mention Ye Changshou and Ye Changsheng's unexpected attitude, even the Qian family found it inconceivable.

Is this, is this still the vicious Zhou family?

It's really quick to change faces.

Qian Jin glared at Zhou Changwang angrily, useless thing!
Seeing someone making trouble, he jumped up suspensefully.

It's okay to make trouble.

The louder the fuss, the better.

It's best to scare his good uncle once, so that he can take the opportunity to propose that the whole family move in to support Lao Ye's family.

As a result, when he was poking and tangling whether it was better to live in the second room or the Dongkua courtyard, the Zhou family who came in like hungry wolves suddenly changed their attitude. and words.

what happened?

This week's family members must be stupid. They didn't take advantage of such a good opportunity. Could it be that they thought that with a few good words, Lao Ye's family would be able to get what they wanted?

be sick.

When Qian Jin, who was seriously deserting, realized that something was wrong, he was in a daze.

Immediately he understood what was going on.

Old Ye's family is really thin, and Ye Laijin and Ye Xusheng's father and son are not there, and Xiao Xuyang is still young, so there is only one man in the family, Ye Dahe, who supports the house.

Even including Guan Mingwei and Ye Manfu brothers, there are only six people in total. How can they resist the menacing Zhou family? It would be good if they don't get beaten to death.

As for their masters..., they can help to intercede.

Therefore, he had already foreseen the fate of Lao Ye's family, so he took a leisurely errand, but missed the wonderful scene.

When did the people from Ye Family Village come?It was actually full of people standing in the courtyard.

He didn't notice it at all.

Oh, the door curtain was left open before, so naturally we couldn't see the outside scene, but now the door curtain is hung high, so we can see clearly from the outside.

No, what are they here for?
It's Lao Ye's family who are making trouble, so what does it have to do with them, they are really full.

While Qian Jin was annoyed, he finally understood why his father always said that Lao Ye's family would buy people's hearts.

It turned out that his method was really useless.

Frustrated, he made up his mind more and more, he must hold Ye Xin'er in his hands, otherwise he would never get any benefit from the old Ye family.

Just listen to what Qian Lianhua said, outsiders can't enter the door of the second room at all, and that girl hides and sees no one every day, it's quite difficult...

"The county magistrate personally sentenced the punishment. If you want to find someone, go to the county magistrate."

"You, why are you unreasonable? Didn't you send people to the county government, and the county magistrate will sentence him?"

Qian Jin on this side started to desert again, while the Zhou family on the other side was still relentlessly entangled.

There were a lot of people, and there were a lot of people talking, chattering like a group of flies, Ye Laijin's head hurt because of the noise.

I slept for less than two hours last night, and in the morning I got up in the dark and hurried on my way for several hours. I just entered the village before I could catch my breath, and was surrounded by a group of flies. It was really annoying.

He frowned and looked at the speaker with a sneer, "If he stays at home honestly, who will arrest him to see the official?"

"But, but your family has nothing to lose, so you can't just let him go?"

"No. It's a fluke that we didn't lose anything, but it's true that he burglarized. No one wronged him."

Ye Laijin said in a deep voice, "We have nothing to say to you, let's go back."

How could Zhou Changwang be reconciled, if he left like this, his son would no longer expect to be fished out.

However, Lao Ye's family has a tough attitude, no matter what he says, he will not change his words.

The two parties were so wasted, it was Ye Changshou who sent someone to invite Li Zheng and the village chief of Xiaozhai Village to jointly exert pressure and send the Zhou family away.

Things were barely settled.

Qian Dafa, who had witnessed the whole incident, lost all interest immediately, and couldn't stay any longer, so he took his children and grandchildren to leave, and went back no matter how he came.

(End of this chapter)

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