The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2313 I'm going to be pissed off by those 2 useless things

Chapter 2313 I'm going to be pissed off by those two useless things
It was night, both Qian Dafa and Qian Jin's father and son suffered from insomnia.

Stimulated by Lao Ye's family.

Seeing with their own eyes how the people of Yejia Village defended the old Yejia, they all felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

It is true that Lao Ye's family members are weak, but it is not something they can control at will.

Qian Dafa had already understood this point, but he was still stimulated by today's events.

Lao Ye's family really is not what it used to be today, it is such a feat to be able to win over the whole village.

Qian Dafa was bewildered, his mind was full of images of Ye Dahe throwing money out with his hands open, he felt his heart and liver had been gouged out, the pain was so painful that he almost had a dull pain in breathing.

In addition to feeling distressed, he resented Ye Dahe more and more.

Old Ye's family can help Wang's natal family and the entire Ye family village, so why can't they help his old Qian's family?
You know, Lao Qian's family is the most important relative of his Lao Ye's family.

As a result, Ye Dahe, that bastard, deliberately targeted them, and didn't let them take any advantage, it's just hateful.

It seems that the old Qian family offended him.

Thinking of this, Qian Dafa's thoughts moved slightly, thinking of the Ye family's avoidance of the old Qian's, and thinking of the little Qian's confronting Ye Dahe in public...

Some things really can not think carefully.

Qian Dafa was angry and annoyed.

I was going to be pissed off by those two useless things!

After finally thinking of the reason, he completely lost his mind, Lao Ye's family would not lead them to get rich together.

Qian Dafa was full of resentment and secretly hated him.

In his opinion, even if old Qian and Xiaoqian's aunt and nephew are a bit out of tune, they are still the ones who spread branches and leaves for Lao Ye's family, and they have worked hard without credit. Nor should you haggle over every ounce.

You shouldn't blame Lao Qian's family.

Qian Dafa gritted his teeth secretly, a heartless bastard!
When he saw the grand occasion of Lao Ye's house before, he was so jealous that he was going crazy. He stayed up all night and almost broke his body.

It will be a few days, but this time I was stimulated again, and I fell asleep again, staring at the dark roof all night in a daze.

Qian Jin, who also suffered from insomnia, was extremely excited.

Today's incident deeply affected his self-confidence. The advantage he had relied on before, disappeared instantly when he saw hundreds of people confronting the Zhou family.

He was a little disheartened at first, but then he thought that the reason why the people of Yejia Village would protect the old Yejia was naturally for the benefit, not just because of loyalty.

And Lao Ye's family, who can buy off the whole village, is so rich and powerful.

The only words Qian Jin could think of were utterly rich.

The words "too rich" made him both excited and jealous.

As the in-laws of the two generations, Lao Ye's family should take care of Lao Qian's family more and share the blessings with them.

But his old Ye's family is not a thing, he is running a decent business, but he is a lowly thing who asks them to serve potatoes and leeks.

This is no patronage, it's clearly to belittle them, to show how noble they are.

Qian Jin snorted coldly, Lao Ye's family didn't want their family to prosper, did he, but he wanted to use their money to make a fortune.

They also need to be willing to offer up their family business.

The more Qian Jin thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't sleep, so he simply sat up under the quilt, trying his best to figure out how to trick He Xiner.


Stimulated by the domineering defense of the old Ye family by the people of the Ye family village, there is also Shen Quan who is always paying attention to the progress of this matter.

The moment he knew the ins and outs, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Thanks to his prudence in doing things, he didn't rush to make a move, otherwise he would stumble this time.

It seems that he should thank that brat Zhou Quancai.

Thanks to him for testing the road, it really helped him a lot and saved him a lot of trouble.

Shen Quan curled his lips into a faint smile, it seemed that he had to go to town.

(End of this chapter)

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