The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2314 Don't Blame Me For Being Unceremonious

Chapter 2314 Don't Blame Me For Being Unceremonious
The arrest of Zhou Qingcai caused a lot of uproar, and everyone in the ten miles and eight villages knew about it.

The Zhou family, which had always been domineering and domineering by relying on the prosperity of its population, suffered a big stumble this time, and lost all of their face, and they were in a mess.

When had the Zhou family suffered a loss and made such a big fuss that everyone in the village laughed at it, and Zhou Changwang was extremely unwilling.

If it is possible, he really wants to destroy the entire Lao Ye family, and he will revenge him.

But I can only think about it.

He wasn't crazy enough to flatten the entire Ye Family Village.

I have no guts or ability.

But he can't just sit and watch his son suffer, the prison is that kind of ghostly place, where good people have to be skinned if they don't die.

You have to figure out a way to get him out.

Finally, after much deliberation, he decided to send women and children to come forward. People in Yejia Village must not make things difficult for women and children.

As he expected, the women and children, headed by his wife Qin Shi, entered Lao Ye's house smoothly, and he made tea for them in a polite manner, which can be described as a complete courtesy.

But his attitude is firm, and he will not agree to withdraw the case and release him.

When Qin saw this, she turned her face immediately, lay down on the ground, cried and asked Lao Ye's family to compensate her son, and even threatened that if her son made any mistakes, she would have nothing to do with Lao Ye's family.

The women who came with her saw that she had started, and hurriedly pulled the children they had brought to sit on the ground, crying and howling.

Old Yetou knew that they would have such an event, but he still had a hard time responding.

It is really hard to hear people cry.

"I've said everything I should say, and the reason is here, but if you insist on making trouble, then don't blame me for being rude."

His voice was suppressed by Qin's mournful cries, and he lacked momentum at all, as if he was a child playing around, and did not act as a threat.

Qin sneered, she wanted to see how the old man was so rude.

"Wow woof woof woof woof woof"

"Wow, woof——, woof, woof—"

Just when she was secretly proud, she was suddenly startled by the sudden dog barking, she looked over subconsciously, and then her hairs stood on end in fright.

A big, strong dog was rushing towards her with its sharp teeth bared. It looked as if it was going to tear her apart alive. Yes, it was really terrifying. Qin's shock was no small matter, she was so frightened that she was screaming from the ground. Get up and run outside in a panic.

"Help——, help—"

The other people were not much better, their faces turned pale with horror, their hearts almost jumped out, they shouldn't have listened to Qin's nonsense and come here to make trouble.

That brat Zhou Qingcai clearly deserved it.

The women were so regretful that their guts were turning green, the damned Qin family ran swiftly without taking their children, and in the blink of an eye they were gone, and they didn't even care whether they and their children would be bitten by dogs.

"Ahhhhh, help-"

They had to take care of their children, and they were surrounded by dogs during this delay. Their scalps were numb, and they felt that their arms and legs had softened into noodles.

Where is the strength to run?

"Don't, don't bite, let's go now."

"Yes, yes, we will never dare to come again, please forgive Mrs. Ye—"

Of course, Lao Yetou didn't really want to harm anyone, for the sake of the children, he didn't embarrass them any more, but he threatened that there would be no mercy next time.

These people didn't have the guts to do anything else, they naturally agreed repeatedly, and then, under the watchful eyes of Daha Erha, they pulled their children and ran away tremblingly.

I don't care about the soreness of my arms and legs.

After this quarrel, a group of women had a rift with Qin, and they were all annoyed by her, and they refused to listen to her fooling around.

When they are stupid, put themselves into it for such a dirty thing.

No one is a pawn, Zhou Changwang and the Qin family are completely out of touch, not to mention that they can't accomplish anything alone, the key point is that they are also afraid, and they really don't have the guts to make trouble again.

One year in prison... You can survive it even if you grit your teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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