Chapter 2318

Because of the mention of He Xiner, the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little heavy, and the big guys lost all intention of joking and eating quickly. The Ye Mancang brothers took the initiative to take over the job of washing the dishes, so that Mrs. Cao would not touch their hands again.

"The work of washing and cleaning is a woman's business. How can there be a big man to do this?"

Cao felt quite sorry.

The boys help her cut firewood and carry water every day, and they even feed the mules, big yellow cattle and a few little wolf dogs, which have already helped her a lot.

But how can I let them do the cleaning and rinsing...

Ye Mancang laughed, "Who made the rule that men are not allowed to wash dishes?"

In such a big house, there are too many things going on inside and out. Aunt Cao is busy all by herself. It is really hard work.

It's okay if their brothers can't help with cooking and so on. It's okay to wash the dishes, and it can be regarded as sharing for her.

Seeing that she couldn't beat him, Mrs. Cao couldn't laugh or cry.

The kid always has a point.

Brothers Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei were both grateful for Cao's hard work, and always rushed to help her with work so that she could rest more and save her from being too tired.

But some people are just the opposite, they are clearly idle, but they want to order Cao around, it seems that the only way to show her identity is in this way.

This person is naturally Xiaoqian.

She got up late, so she could only eat alone, because Ye Feifeng and Xiao Xuyang were earlier than her, and they had already gone out to play after breakfast.

Ordinarily, it would be embarrassing for her to sleep late every day as a woman, but she didn't think it was, she felt that it was a symbol of her status.

There are servants in the family, so she is not needed as a big lady to do things, and what to do without sleeping in.

She was elated about it.

Who told her to have a good life, she deserved to be blessed.

Also love to show off more and more.

"How come there are only pickled vegetables and not even a decent stir-fry?"

"Cao Shi went to boil ten eggs for me, I was a vegetarian all day long, I didn't eat any meat, my eyes almost couldn't move..."

"These fritters are cold, you go and fry them in the oil pan for me."


Both Guan Mingwei and Ye Mancang brothers looked down on her frightening face, but they couldn't say much.

Uncle and Xu Sheng are not at home. If you really want to fight her, it seems like you are bullying her. It is not good to spread the word.

So a few people simply came out of sight and out of mind, and moved directly to the workshop.

But their duty today is to keep an eye on the house, so naturally they won't leave the old house alone, and it's not because they are afraid of her, so what should be taken care of is still to be taken care of.

If someone who doesn't have a good eye makes trouble again, they won't be polite.

The elders on the left and right are not there, so there is no need to be scruples when you start a move, as long as you don't take people's lives.

This group of boys, who are not afraid of making big troubles, are ready to take someone's knife, but unfortunately, no one cooperates.

Instead, a few people came who could not be scolded or beaten, and who wanted to treat each other with hypocrisy and politeness, they were simply overwhelmed by the shock.

Did Laoqian's family specially pick grandpa not to come here?

No wonder Ye Mancang thought this way, the Qian family was really disgusting, and they ordered the Cao family as if they were masters.

Could it be that they thought that since the grandfather was not at home, they would be the masters of this family?

"All the guests have come to the door, why don't you go make tea!"

Qian Jin crossed his legs and sat on the grand master's chair on the west side of the upper head, raised his chin and commanded Cao Shi imposingly, "Don't forget that I want good tea from my uncle's collection. We don't drink rough tea."

Seeing his face of being a villain, Ye Mancang wanted to give him a fist.

What a fart!

Everything in Lao Ye's family has nothing to do with you, so you will show up everywhere, jumping up and down pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

Cao's good temper went to the kitchen to boil water, he didn't care much about his tone, and did what he should do.

Where is her identity, there is no reason to find fault with the guests.

But Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei's faces gradually became darker, this person must be sick, if he wants to show his prestige, go back to his own house, and run to Lao Ye's house to have a fright.

(End of this chapter)

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