Chapter 2319
Qian Jin sat on the grand teacher's chair with a sullen expression, feeling good about himself, he rested his hands on the armrests and rubbed them non-stop, sighing in his heart.

No wonder his good uncle is becoming more and more stylish, whoever sits in this position will have a different aura.

This chair is made of thick materials, fine workmanship, wide and upright and dignified, it looks dignified.

Sitting in this position for a long time, a dry old man can cultivate a noble air all over his body, and he doesn't look like a country boy at all.

I have to say, money is good.

He will also live such a rich life in the future.

Speaking of which, when Lao Ye's family rebuilt their house, they hadn't opened a workshop to start a big business, so they had already lined up like this, which is really not easy.

Qian Jindi rolled his eyes and glanced around, suddenly a sense of arrogance arose, and he decided to build a mansion even more magnificent than the old Ye's house in the future.

At that time, if he sits on the grand teacher's chair, he will definitely be more noble than Ye Dahe.

"Uncle Qian drinks tea."

The more Qian Jin thinks about it, the more beautiful he feels, and he feels comfortable physically and mentally. He feels light and light, as if he will dance on the wind and walk in the clouds at any time.

Just when he was so beautiful that his soul was about to leave his body, his dream was suddenly interrupted by Ye Mancang's rough voice. He was a little dazed, and then with a bang, Tiao Bo made a quick reflex and was pulled away instantly. Back to reality.

He looked over subconsciously, and saw a clumsy ceramic mug on the table. It didn't look ugly, but it definitely couldn't be called delicate.

Qian Jin was immediately annoyed.

"Is this the old Ye family's way of hospitality?"

Ye Mancang was expressionless, "What does Uncle Qian mean by that? Why didn't we treat our brothers well?"


A junior dared to contradict him like this, obviously he didn't take the old Qian family seriously.

Qian Jin was angry and annoyed, he became angry from embarrassment, "You still have the kindness to ask where the hospitality is not good?"

Angrily, he pointed at the steaming ceramic mug, and said loudly, "Then what do you mean by using such a clumsy object to deal with me? It's obviously contemptuous."


Guan Mingwei said with a surprised face, "How did Uncle Qian see that it is clumsy?"

Qian Jin choked, and immediately annoyed, "I'm not blind, such a rough thing is right in front of my eyes, can't I not see it?"

Guan Mingwei laughed suddenly, what is there to argue with this kind of person, it's just a waste of words.

Ye Mancang rolled his eyes straight, "This big cup is worth a hundred cents, enough to buy a few catties of meat, why do you look down on you?"

"One hundred coins?"

Qian Jin's eyes widened in surprise, and then he felt something was wrong, isn't it just a hundred copper coins, what's the big deal.

Hmph, when he has money, such as gold, silver, jade, agate, whichever is more expensive, he will not care about such clumsy things, which will lower his status.

"I don't care how much it's worth, just give me a nice teacup."

Ye Mancang sneered, "Didn't Uncle Qian deliberately kill our brothers?"

"It seems that I'm going to force you to stop. Go and call that woman. The honored guest is here. It's not good for me to wait in front of you. She hides aside and is lazy. What do you mean?"

It was rare for Qian Jin to shake his spirits for a while, and he hadn't played with his prestige yet, but the husband was so angry that he would not let it go, he had made up his mind to make trouble.

"Aunt Cao is busy, so I don't have time."

Ye Mancang Leng Bangbang's words were like an ice skate under the eaves falling to the ground and smashed into pieces, it was just——

Qian Jin was furious, "The juniors of Old Ye's family are really crazy."

"Uncle Qian is also very good at tossing around, he can't just be so particular about drinking saliva at home."

"You, who are you, you dare to act wild in front of me."

"Uncle Qian has done everything, but why can't someone tell the truth?"


Ye Mancang was not a good-tempered person, but today the Qian brothers and sisters are all uneasy, and one is more capable than the other, so it's no wonder he can bear it.

When his temper comes up, he doesn't care who the other party is.

It doesn't matter to him whether he is elder or not.

Calling Uncle Qian really thinks that he is his elder, which is really ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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