Chapter 2320

Guan Mingwei looked coldly at Qian Jin arguing with Ye Mancang while dragging his neck, it was amused.

I'm afraid this guy has forgotten why he came here, but he seems to have come here specifically to quarrel.

However, from his point of view, this person should have nothing serious to do.

"What's the noise?"

Just when Qian Jin was about to blow up and couldn't help but want to make a move, the thick door curtain was lifted suddenly, Qian Dafa strode in with a dark face, and instantly locked his eyes on Qian Jin.


If you quarrel with a junior, you will blush and have a thick neck, and you are not afraid of being laughed at.


Qian Jin felt a little guilty, he came to Lao Ye's house secretly.

He is in a hurry.

It wasn't intentional to hide it from his father.

Who told his father not to be in a hurry, what to say to him every day and so on, and he didn't know when it would be a good time.

Could it be that he thought that Ye Xin'er would stay at Lao Ye's house forever?

I don't even think about it, who would let go of a good and prosperous life, but would stay in the countryside and endure hardships.

Originally, it was just to win the goodwill of her uncle and the old man. Now that her goal has been achieved, there is no need to do those superficial efforts.

The little girl is already calm enough, if it were him, she would have gone to the county town with money to squander it.

It is a fool to be blessed.

So he must get things done as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

There is only one chance, and he must hit it with one blow, or he will be overwhelmed, so he is here.

Come to find Xiaoqian.

Unexpectedly, Ye Dahe, Ye Laijin, and his son were not at home today, so he was immediately excited, feeling a sense of elation at last, so he didn't care about Xiaoqian's lazy bastard, and set up the money triumphantly.

Thinking about being majestic.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the prestige was not successful and he was almost pissed off.

"Why are you two here? Where are the eldest brother-in-law and the others?"

Qian Dafa glared at his son fiercely, went straight to his superior and sat down, and hurriedly chased him all the way, he was a little tired.

Slowing down a little, he opened his mouth.

His eyes paused on Guan Mingwei, then wandered away, and finally fell on Ye Mancang.

None of these boys are fuel-efficient lamps, so it's better not to offend them.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

It's really getting better and better——

Ye Mancang said, "Grandpa and uncle are not at home."

No wonder.

Qian Dafa glared at his son again when he heard the words. If he didn't make good use of such a good opportunity, he would have the leisure to quarrel with others, would he be careless?

Qian Jin gritted his teeth secretly.

Where is he wanting to quarrel with others, it is clear that this brat is neither big nor small.

Thinking of this, he was annoyed and hated.

It's really poor and bullied.

The dog's eyes look down on people's low things, but they only have a good life by flattering Ye Laiyin, and they dare to look down on his old Qian's family, ah bah, what a thing!
When I turn over, I will make you look good.

Qian Jindi rolled his eyes and thought to himself, since uncle and the old man love Ye Xiner so much, if she asks for something, the old man will not refuse.

He would like to see, on the day he was kicked out by Ye's Workshop, what kind of madness did this brat have with him.

There is also Guan Jia, who will also be kicked away.

Hmph, the guy surnamed Guan is not a good thing either.

"Where did Lai Jin and her brother-in-law go..."

"Brother, the He family has come again."

The room was weird, Qian Jin was wandering, while Guan Mingwei and Ye Mancang were standing in the hall, their faces were expressionless, and their dislikes were almost written on their foreheads.

Qian Dafa felt his eyes hurt.

No wonder the boss couldn't hold his breath, these two boys are really too arrogant.

But he has always been calculating, knowing that Guan Mingwei and Ye Mancang are not easy to mess with, so naturally he wants to avoid their edge.

He didn't come here to argue with others, and he didn't come to make troubles over trivial matters.

The point is that people are not afraid of him, and if there is a real quarrel, he will be the one who loses face.

So he pretended not to see the bad attitude of the two of them, Wen Sheng asked about the whereabouts of the Ye family father and son, but was interrupted by Ye Mantun who suddenly ran in.

(End of this chapter)

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