Chapter 2321 First go to the second room to see
"I gonna go see."

Hearing that the He family was coming, Ye Mancang walked away, not caring about the Qian family and his son.

But Guan Mingwei was more polite than him, he nodded slightly, "Excuse me", and then strode out.

"This time, the carriage is full again. I heard from the coachman that Brother He specially prepared a lot of fresh goods, and sent them to Sister Xin'er to try something new..."

Ye Mantun's loud voice gradually disappeared in the yard, until the whole old Ye family was completely quiet, Qian Jin suddenly jumped up with a strange cry, "Father! The He family is going to pick her up, right?"

Just now when Ye Mantun suddenly ran in and interrupted him, Qian Dafa's heart suddenly lost control and almost jumped out of his chest.

He has been hesitating and unable to make up his mind, but at that moment he suddenly regretted it.

In case the He family took him back, their old Qian family would not even think about gaining any benefit from Lao Ye's family.

If this is the case, not to mention that his son will complain about him, he himself will be annoyed to death.

"Why are you panicking? Didn't you hear that they are here to deliver something?"

Qian Dafa gave Qian Jin a sidelong glance, and said indifferently, "How old is he, but he still can't hold his breath."

The tone was full of disgust, as if he wasn't in a hurry just now.

"But, but..."

"Nothing but."

Qian Dafa squinted her eyes slightly. She said she would keep her filial piety for three years. Even if she couldn't bear the boredom in the countryside, she wouldn't leave so soon. She couldn't let people complain.

He was the one who thought about it just now.

Qian Jin was irritated by his attitude.

No matter what time it is, his father is still so stable.

"It will be Ye Laiyin's May Seventh soon. That kid Xu Sheng has always been close to the second room, so he must be coming back soon..."

Thinking of these things, the corners of his mouth frothed in anxiety.

"That kid is not a good stubble, plus that big dog!"

Qian Jin was circling around like an ant on a hot pot, "At that time, no one will be able to get close to that girl, what hope do we have?"

Lao Ye's family made it clear that they didn't want to see their family, and they wouldn't benefit from it at all. If they didn't think of their own way, they would really be poor for the rest of their lives.

How could he be reconciled, so he tried his best to tease his father, hoping that he could see the current situation clearly.

Not to mention, Qian Dafa took his words seriously after hearing his words.

That dog is not easy to mess with...

Seeing that his father finally realized the seriousness of the matter, Qian Jin's heart immediately became more at ease.

Just to put it bluntly, how could his father waste such an opportunity in vain.

"I'm going to call Lianhua, I haven't seen her in person after coming here for so long, maybe she's back to sleep..."

Qian Jin sighed, "It's good to have money in the family. No matter how unpopular a person is, she can live so comfortably. Tsk, tsk—she is a lazy person."

"Don't care about her, go to the second room first."

"Well, I'll accompany daddy."

Qian Jinle responded eagerly, rather impatiently.

He wanted to go a long time ago, but he was afraid that his father would talk about him again, so he refrained from mentioning it.

Now that he brought it up, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He hurried to the front and raised the curtain courteously, "Hurry up, Dad, or the door will be closed again, and you won't be able to see anything."

Qian Dafa took a deep look at him, "What does this anxious look look like? How many times have I said it, no matter what time it is, you must be steady..."

Qian Jin was a little impatient, he answered vaguely, and walked faster and faster.

As soon as the father and son left the old house, they saw the rare excitement outside the door of the second room.

A group of village children gathered around the He family's carriage, watching with envy the Ye family kid moving things in and out, and whispering among themselves, as if guessing that those brocade boxes, food boxes, and cages were filled with what a good thing.

At this time, a plainly dressed woman came out of the house, followed by two handsome maidservants, both holding a beautiful pastry box.

The woman smiled at a group of children, "Anyone want to eat candy? You can come to me and line up."

(End of this chapter)

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