The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2323 Big brother He has a heart

Chapter 2323 Big brother He has a heart
Qian Jin was a little confused.

I don't understand what his father means.

Although the He family is rich, the person in front of him is just a coachman, so there is nothing worth pulling.

No one lowered his identity.

He lowered his head slightly, secretly poking at Meng Chun, always feeling that this big man was an eyesore.

At this time, Qian Dafa was sitting at the top seat without humility, chatting with Meng Chun who was sitting at the bottom. He is the head of Lao Ye's family.

Ye Mancang started a fire and boiled water in a small red clay stove to make tea.

Guan Mingwei sat with a calm face, silent.

Originally, he thought that copying Buddhist scriptures could cultivate her mind and get rid of distracting thoughts, which would gradually calm her down and help her get out of it as soon as possible.

But after so many days, the effect is not ideal.

She is still addicted to the past and cannot extricate herself.

Still can't let go.

Guan Mingwei frowned subconsciously.

I write at my desk every day before dawn, and don't put down the pen until the dead of night.

He only found out today that she had treated him so harshly.

Thinking of this, Guan Mingwei felt distressed and anxious.

How could my body be able to bear it if I went on like this for a long time.

"Are Mr. Ye and Mr. Ye not at home?"

Meng Chun patiently dealt with Qian Dafa for a few words, and when he came to an end, he asked.

"Well, Grandpa and Uncle have something to go out today, but Master Meng has something to do?"

Guan Mingwei regained consciousness in an instant, and said in a deep voice, "But brother He has something to say?"


Meng Chun glanced at Qian Dafa out of the corner of his eye, always feeling that the old man was too calculating and didn't look like a good person.

However, good or bad has nothing to do with him.

He just needs to do his own thing.

"That's right, Miss Fourth has only a few maidservants around her, all of them are powerless, if anything happens, I'm afraid they won't be able to protect Miss.

The Eldest Young Master was not at ease, so he specifically ordered me to stay nearby to protect Fourth Miss. "

It turned out that He Jiaheng had already discovered that Dabai was not by He Xiner's side, and Ye Xusheng had never shown up, so he knew it well and was very clear about what happened.

He couldn't intervene in that matter, so he simply pretended not to know.

However, she was a little worried about He Xiner's safety.

Although the second bedroom of the Ye family is close to the old house, the old Ye family is really thin. If something happens, it may not be able to protect her, and it is even more difficult for a few maids to count on.

As for Daha and Erha, He Jiaheng didn't take it to heart at all, let alone the two of them, even adding a few more would not compare to Dabai, and it would be difficult to guarantee the safety of the fourth sister.

So after thinking about it, he carefully selected a solid nursing home to protect He Xiner's safety.

Before Meng Chun finished speaking, Ye Mancang said in surprise, "Are you here to protect Sister Xin'er?"


Guan Mingwei pondered and said, "Brother He has a heart, but the second room is full of female relatives, which is a bit inconvenient."

"What Mr. Guan said is that naturally you can't live in Miss's courtyard.

So I have to report to Mrs. Ye that I will live here from now on and protect my young lady nearby. "

Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei looked at each other with some reluctance.

It's just not easy to express.

After all, the head of the family is not around, and the two juniors cannot make good decisions.

Unexpectedly, Qian Jin would be restless, ignoring his father's warning eyes, and hurriedly said, "There will be nothing wrong with this group of boys guarding day and night, Qing Guan just reassures your young master, besides, you are a driver." ..."

"I forgot to tell the big guy that Meng Chun is not the coachman, but the nursing home of the He family. His kung fu is not bad, so he was appointed by the young master to protect the fourth lady."

Qian Jin was caught off guard like a blow to the head, and almost screamed out of control. Even Qian Dafa was also hit hard, which was a little hard to accept.

Ordinarily it is a good thing that the He family values ​​He Xiner, as long as they hold her in their hands, they will not be afraid of being useless in the future. .


(End of this chapter)

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