The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2324 Ye Xiner Can't Go

Chapter 2324 Ye Xiner Can't Go
Qian Jin's mind was in a mess, and after the initial shock, he was inexplicably excited.

However, one and a half maids and six or seven maids serving her were not enough, the He family actually sent another Lian Jiazi to protect her closely.

It seems that the He family loves her no less than Ye Dahe.

That girl is a good-natured girl who will please the elders.

Still a shrewd one.

Know how to pocket money.


Qian Jin secretly rejoiced, it's good to be smart.

With the benefits of both ends in hand, her net worth must be very rich, perhaps even richer than the entire Old Ye family.

Hehehe, this is really going to be posted.

Big up!
"I just said that Master Meng's posture doesn't look like a coachman at all, so he's a trainer."

Ye Mancang said with a smile, "Master Meng..."

"Master Ye, you're welcome, just call me Meng Chun."

"Then I won't be polite."

Ye Mancang nodded slightly, and said again, "Did you practice martial arts since childhood?"

"Yes, when I was young, my family was poor and there were many children. I couldn't support them. My parents sold all four of my brothers into the bodyguard agency. Since then, I have been learning boxing and kicking from my master for more than 20 years. "

"Escort? Have you ever been an escort?"


"Someone in our workshop has also been a bodyguard..."

Ye Mancang's interest was aroused, and he chatted with Meng Chun in full swing, and Guan Mingwei added a few words from time to time, and the three talked and laughed very harmoniously.

Qian Jin couldn't be happy anymore, his fanatical heart gradually calmed down, this big man looked hard to be fooled, and it might not be easy to plot Xin'er under his nose.

How can this be good?

"You mean Mr. He has been urging Mr. He to take Xin'er back?"

"Yes, the Eldest Master and the Old Madam have long wanted to pick up Miss Fourth..."

Qian Dafa's hand trembled slightly, and immediately returned to normal, without any abnormalities.

But Qian Jin couldn't do it. When he heard that the He family was going to pick him up, he immediately became anxious, and blurted out without thinking, "No! Ye Xiner can't leave!"

Meng Chun, Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei all looked over, all with serious faces and sharp eyes.

Qian Dafa Haoxuan was not mad at him.

Things that don't speak your mind.

Regardless of whether the girl's surname is Ye or He, it's not up to the Qian family to decide.

"I, I'm thinking that my second cousin will soon pass May [-]th, it's better for girls Ye and Xin to be here..."

Facing the scorching gazes of the three people, Qian Jin stumblingly explained, feeling quite embarrassed.

I was almost stunned.

Qian Dafa coughed lightly and said, "That child is filial, do you need to remind me of such things?"

"What Dad said is that girl Xin is a good and filial child. She has long said that she will be filial to her second cousin. How can she go at this juncture? I am in a hurry..."

Guan Mingwei frowned subconsciously.

Ye Mancang said angrily, "It's not up to the Qian family to point out what Sister Xin'er wants to do."

"Hey? What do you mean?"

"It means mind your own business."


Seeing that Qian Jin was about to quarrel with Ye Mancang again, Qian Dafa hated iron for nothing.

"Cough, cough..."

He coughed twice, and gave Qian Jin a warning look, "Why haven't I seen Xu Yang today? It's strange to miss him, you go to the East Wing to see if he is there, and bring me to see."

Qian Jin is not self-resentful, but he also knows Ye Mancang's temper, and if he continues to quarrel, he will not be able to take advantage of it. Instead, he will lose the airs of his elders, so he can only let it go.

You can't tell the servants of the He family to watch the joke, right?

He still wants to be in-laws with the He family.

By the way, he was dazed by the brat's anger and almost delayed his business.

Thinking about the business, Qian Jin couldn't care less about getting angry with Ye Mancang anymore, stood up and walked out of the main room briskly, leaving only a violently shaking door curtain for everyone who didn't realize it.

He didn't even say a word about the scene of going down the stairs, and just walked away without his father.

Rao Qian Dafa, who was as calm as a mountain, couldn't hold it anymore, and felt his old face burning hot.

(End of this chapter)

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