Chapter 2325
Meng Chun watched the excitement coldly, and felt even more displeased with the Qian family and his son.

It was his fault, he shouldn't talk about the affairs of the mansion in front of outsiders.

It was also a speculative chat with the two little brothers, and I didn't pay attention for a while and talked too much.

But call a mud leg to seize the opportunity to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail, so that Miss Fourth can be talked about for nothing.

Really should not.

"Where did the two little brothers go just now?"

After a moment of silence, Meng Chun spoke first to break the embarrassment in the room.

"Oh, they must have gone to the workshop after feeding the horses."

"The workshop has started to work?"

"Not yet, it will take some days."


Several people continued to chat, but Meng Chun didn't mention He Xiner again, let alone talking about the He family.

Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei had a good impression of him at first, and seeing him like this now, their favorability has increased significantly.

There is no longer any conflict with him living in Lao Ye's house for a long time.

After all, Xin'er has changed her surname to He, so it is impossible to completely break off the relationship.

No matter how much they thought in their hearts, she was not Ye Xin'er who belonged to the old Ye family alone.

For example, even though she is in Lao Ye's house now, her food and clothing are all provided by the He family, and the servants around her are also servants of the He family.

Therefore, there are no more nursing homes.

The two who had secretly figured it out looked at each other tacitly and reached a consensus.

Since it is the person who protects Xin'er closely, he is one of his own, and they will have a long time to get along with each other in the future, so they need to treat each other with sincerity.

Therefore, the smiles of the two were more sincere.

Meng Chun was quick-witted and thoughtful, and almost immediately caught the changes between the two of them, and smiled lightly.

The young master wanted him to live in harmony with Lao Ye's family, so he naturally wanted to listen, that's very good.

Qian Dafa narrowed his eyes slightly, and the three of them rejected him intentionally or unintentionally, which made him very annoyed.

But sitting on the head remained motionless.

Even though Meng Chun didn't mention the He family's affairs again, he still listened carefully, quickly filtering useful information with his eyes slightly lowered.

It doesn't hurt to know more.


In the East Wing, Qian Jin sat carelessly in the main hall, and shouted to Xiao Qian through a curtain, "It's almost noon, and you're still lying on the kang and sleeping, you'll be lazy sooner or later."

"I want you to take care of it! Stop making noise here."

Qian Jin scoffed coldly, Ye Laijin was unlucky for such a lazy guy.

"The He family sent a nurse here, and they will live in the old Ye's house forever. The way is to protect Ye Xiner closely, tsk, tsk, tsk..."

There was a rustling sound from the room inside, followed by a heavy landing, and a series of hurried footsteps.

He raised his eyebrows proudly, and continued, "The He family really values ​​her..."

The thick door curtain was violently lifted, and Xiao Qian's face was filled with dismay, "I don't care about it! If I really care about it, it will allow her to stay in the country. It's time to take her back."

She just crawled out of the bed, she couldn't adapt to the warmth in the living room, she rubbed her hands coldly, and said angrily, "What are you doing here again?"

Qian Jin spontaneously ignored this sentence, and said with a sneer, "I saw it, the He family sent her a cart full of food and everything, very complete.

I heard that the He family's carriage came every now and then, and it was always full. The He family was afraid that there would be no good food and useful things in her country, and they would not live comfortably.

If he didn't value her, how could he be so thoughtful and considerate? "

"Hmph, her surname is He, and the expenses for food and clothing should be paid by the He family."

"It's not enough for one and a half girls, six people who are maids and mothers-in-law to serve, and today I specially sent a Lianjiazi to protect her..."

Qian Jin glanced around Xiao Qian's family, and said, "Isn't that considered important?"

Xiaoqian was so sour, but she didn't want to admit it, she said angrily, "It's already beginning of spring, why don't you go to loosen the soil and fertilize the fields, what are you doing at Lao Ye's house?"

Knowing that she changed the subject on purpose, Qian Jin was not annoyed, and said slowly, "I still remember that Wang Shi and Ye Xin'er were crushed to death by your mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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