The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2326 It's Not A Thing

Chapter 2326 It's Not A Thing
"What do you mean?"

Xiao Qian's hair exploded instantly.

Qian Jin snorted slightly, and squinted at her, "What's the hurry? Isn't this gossip?"


Little Qian is going to die of embarrassment these days.

She originally wanted to use Zhou Qingcai's incident to discredit He Xiner, but after wandering the streets for a long time, she did not find anyone idle.

So she ran around and ran to the homes of the women who loved to spread gossip, preparing to slander He Xiner's reputation wantonly, trying to drive public opinion to force He Xiner away.

But no one listened to her vernacular, they were all busy, how could they care to chat with her.

She was not reconciled, and stalked others to talk about right and wrong, but as soon as the corner of her mouth turned out of the second room, before He Xiner was mentioned, she was blocked back.

It was said that the people who went to help her family came back that night and said that those who hadn't seen her all night said that it was Lao Ye's parents and daughter-in-law who hid in the bed and slept soundly.

It's a joke that someone who doesn't show his face when such a big thing happened in his own family has the energy to gossip around.

You know what's going on and just make it up?
What did you say that the thief climbed into the second room, ah!

At that time, you were lying on the kang with your dead body, what could you know? It is obviously out of good intentions to say such things.

What if they can't hear it?

Xiaoqian's plan, which she thought was flawless, ended without a problem in the end.

Not only did she work in vain, but she was ridiculed a lot. She was almost mad, but there was nothing she could do about those poor things.

You can't scold me, but as for doing something, that's okay.

In other people's territory, there are a large group of mothers-in-law, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, who can she beat by herself.

So no matter how unwilling she is, she can only hold back by herself.

Tossing and tossing, tossing himself so much, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he gets.

What frustrates her the most is that those gossiping women suddenly changed their temper and stopped chewing their tongues, which is too abnormal.

But she soon figured it out.

Where did those people change their sex, they were clearly jealous of the He family.

Ye Xiner's surname is He now.

Xiaoqian almost died of acid.

Hmph, what's the big deal, wasn't she being used as a maid back then!

Thinking of this, she finally felt a little more balanced, and even felt an inexplicable sense of superiority.

But it's one thing for her to secretly think about it, but it's another thing when someone mentions it.

And this person was obviously laughing at her, so it's no wonder she wasn't annoyed.

"What are you laughing at? A big man doesn't feel ashamed of pulling his tongue."

Little Qian glared at Qian Jin angrily, wishing that he would leave as soon as possible.

But Qian Jin didn't like her, instead of leaving, he kept prodding her.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, at the beginning, my mother kept praising you for being amazing, but it turned out to be good. Once the life of Lao Ye's family got better, some people were disgusted, and they couldn't say anything in this family..."

Xiaoqian was so excited that he yelled, "Are you here today to be angry with me?"

"How can it be? We are brothers and sisters. What are you doing when I'm mad at you? It's no good for you."

"Then you still say those words!"

"I see that the He family values ​​Ye Xiner, so I feel a little bit emotional."

Qian Jin smiled evilly and said, "Who would have thought that the little girl who was directed around by you and aunt would one day be so rich and respectable, tsk, tsk, you didn't expect it either?"

Xiaoqian suddenly stopped yelling, and didn't get as angry as he thought. Instead, he smiled triumphantly, "I've known her identity for a long time, the eldest lady of the richest family in the county..."

Qian Jin was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly understood.

The child was replaced by my aunt, and it was normal to tell her.

But the hateful thing is that she actually kept it from them, not even telling her parents, because she was afraid that they would be stained with gold.

Not really a thing.

This Qian Jin has completely hated her, and the little Qian Shi still shows off complacently, "Don't look at her like a dog, she's a big lady, she was a fart in front of me back then." Don't dare to put one..."

(End of this chapter)

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