The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2327 What You Said Doesn't Matter

Chapter 2327 What You Said Doesn't Matter

Qian Jin felt his eyes hurt.

I really can't look down on her frightened face.

"Oh, you also said that it was back then, how many years ago, she was still an ignorant little girl, and Mrs. Wang was honest and didn't know how to teach her anything, so you took advantage of it for a few years."

Qian Jin gave her a disdainful look, and continued, "But since she's grown up and has a heart, the second room has never suffered any disadvantages."

Xiaoqian, who was originally complacent, was suddenly choked up. She had no way to refute, and she blushed with anger.

"Why are you silent?"

"Hmph, it's true that she seems to be so powerful, but the old man is partial to protecting her."

"That's what's great about her, she knows how to please people at a young age.

She coaxed her uncle so much that she didn't want to say anything, but she could still coax the He family, who all loved her and doted on her.

Not to mention food, drink and clothing, even the family property has her share.

Really capable. "

Hearing the word "family property", Little Qian's heart twitched uncontrollably.

"Hmph, she thinks beautifully, why should Lao Ye's things be given to outsiders."

"What you said doesn't count."

Little Qian didn't come up in one breath, almost suffocating to death, she glared fiercely at Qian Jin, really wanting to give him a blow to the head.

Immediately thinking of something, she rolled her eyes and said, "Help me scare people away, and I'll give you all the things in the second room."

As the saying goes, how can you impress this dog if you don't want the children to be tied to wolves and don't spend some money.

The left and right money is in your own hands, and it is not up to you how much you want to give.

Qian Jin could see her thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help but secretly sneered.

"You thought someone sent the nurse here just for fun?"

Xiaoqian gritted her teeth in resentment, "I told you to do it earlier, but you insisted on fighting with me, and missed a good opportunity for nothing."

Qian Jin said angrily, "How did the previous thief get caught?"

be sick.

Knowing that there are so many stinky boys in the family and raising many dogs, but asking him to pretend to be a ghost, he must be trying to kill him.

Xiaoqian choked, and his face was very ugly.

But no, with so many people protecting her, how could a dead girl be afraid.

"I made my old lady anxious, just bought a pack of poison and wiped out everyone..."

She was originally a very small-minded person, and she had long disliked He Xiner, and wanted to get rid of it quickly, but now she was furious at Qian Jin's aggressiveness, there was no taboo under her anger, she naturally said whatever she thought of.

But Qian Jin was startled, "You are crazy! Killing people will be beheaded!"

Xiaoqian was stopped by him abruptly, her neck shrank in fright, and she stumbled and said, "I, I'm just talking..."

How could she have the guts to kill.

It's just a mouthful.

Qian Jin suddenly showed a weird smile, "You said that if uncle and brother-in-law know your vicious intentions, will they beat you to death?"

Little Qian was startled, her eyes widened in disbelief, "What do you want to do?"


Lao Yetou and his party came back in the evening.

Things went very smoothly. The eminent monks of Xinghua Temple have responded to their request and will go down the mountain one day in advance to instruct them to prepare.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, this is the best, they don't have to worry about making mistakes.

Then just buy items.

Now the shops in the town have already opened for business, as long as there is money, there is nothing that cannot be bought.

Or go to the county town.

It's not too far away, and one day's work is enough to buy things.

Old Yetou felt sorry for his son and daughter-in-law, and wished to give them the best. Naturally, he did not hesitate to spend. On the way, he made an agreement with Ye Laijin to buy important things in the county. The more exquisite the better, the more expensive the better.

In short, as long as it's good for them, it doesn't matter how much money you spend.

Naturally, Ye Laijin had no objections, and Ye Shitian and Guan Xiuyuan also supported it.

Several people discussed all the way, sorted out the next things, determined the things to buy, and divided the work. The specific things were in charge of specific people, so as to ensure that the day would go smoothly without any mistakes.

After running around for a day and talking all the way, Lao Yetou was a little tired, but he was still in a good mood.

It's just that when he saw Meng Chun, he was a little confused.

Seeing that the sky is getting dark, why are the people from the He family still here?

(End of this chapter)

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