Chapter 2328 Sit down and talk
After knowing the reason for Meng Chun's visit, Lao Yetou had mixed feelings in his heart, which was quite unpleasant.

If possible, he really didn't want to have any contact with the He family.

But rather...

After Erfang's accident, he hated the He family so much that he wished he could destroy the entire He family and let them all be buried with his son.

But after all, he is not a reckless person, nor has he completely lost his mind. This crazy idea has been circling in his mind for a long time, and finally he suppressed it.

How could he, an old country man, have the ability to kill people, let alone bear the consequences.

No more accidents can happen to Lao Ye's family.

He couldn't do anything out of the ordinary, and he wanted to take this opportunity to get He Xiner back, so that she would completely sever all ties with the He family.

The second child must have a queen.

With her here, Lao Ye's family would have a second bedroom.

And He Xiner did not disappoint him, not only rushed back immediately, sent Ye Laiyin and his wife away as a filial daughter, but also stayed on her own to guard their filial piety.

While Lao Yetou and Lao Huai were relieved, it was hard to mention anything else.

One was because they were afraid that she would be in trouble. The rest of the He family didn't know what was going on, but the He Jiaheng and He Jiajie brothers treated her sincerely, and the relationship between the brothers and sisters was pretty good.

If she were to completely sever the relationship, it would obviously be embarrassing for the child.

How could he bear it.

Furthermore, he knew that although the old Ye family is not short of money, it is not as good as the He family.

Obviously the He family can give her more.

If she really cared about her child, she shouldn't be hindering her future.

After all, the important thing about marriage is the right marriage.

Old Yetou was tangled.

Unexpectedly, what happened beyond his expectation was that the eldest grandson had already fallen in love with Xin girl.

He was surprised and delighted.

After all, girl Xin is still from his old Ye's family, it's really great, the second child will be happy when he finds out.

But in this way, her surname can only be He.

Marriage, the knot is the good of the two surnames.

For the sake of the two children, he doesn't mind being in-laws with the He family.

When girl Xin gets married, she should make less contact with her.

Lao Yetou wanted to keep a distance from the He family, and it was best not to interfere with each other.


It's not that he is against the He family's people living in the house, there are already six or seven people living in the second room, how can this one be missing.

Besides, there is a person with hard work to protect girl Xin. He is too happy, so how can he treat her.


In any case, the revenge of the second child must be avenged.

If the He family got angry with girl Xin because of this, it would be a big deal and they would just break up, and it would be difficult for someone to be surnamed He.

As for the matter of the two children, let's take it one step at a time.

If someone talks about it, they will move.

As long as the family stays together, no matter where you live.

Meng Chun watched Lao Yetou remain silent, but the expression on his face kept changing, and he was not sure what he meant.

"It turned out that I was abrupt. I should have greeted you in advance. It would be a small thing to embarrass Mrs. Ye."

The old Yetou, who was full of thoughts, withdrew his mind instantly, and said politely, "Master He wants you to protect girl Xin, I'm too happy to be happy, how can I be embarrassed."

After a short pause, he continued, "But it's indeed a bit embarrassing..."

Meng Chun's expression moved, and he immediately stood up, just about to say that he can build a thatched shed against the wall of the west courtyard of the second room, and will not cause any trouble to the Ye family.

"Sit down and talk."

Old Yetou raised his hand and pressed it weakly, beckoning him to sit down, and smiled kindly, "Don't get me wrong, what I'm talking about is embarrassing because meat and alcohol are forbidden at home now, so I can't hold a decent welcome banquet for you."

"Master Ye is polite, the younger one is here to do something, so I can't cause you any trouble."

The two chatted politely, and it was time to eat.

Mrs. Cao had already prepared a table of vegetarian dishes, and Mrs. Tan from the second room sent a few more dishes, saying that they were for the old man to try.

Looking at the exquisite southern vegetables, Lao Yetou once again felt the nobleness of the He family, and felt rather uncomfortable.

The Qian family's father and son rushed back before sunset, and Ye Laijin drove Xiaoqian's mother and son to the backyard to join Cao's.

Currently eating in the main room are Lao Yetou, Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin, Guan Xiuyuan, Ye Mancang, Guan Mingwei, Ye Mantun, brothers Ye Manliang, and Meng Chun.

(End of this chapter)

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