Chapter 2329 It should be fine

"As a servant, it's good to have a full bowl of food, but I don't know where to borrow the guts to have the guts to share a table with the master."

Mrs. Qian was cursing, serving people one by one, and pinching Cao's eyes from time to time.

I don't know whether she scolded Meng Chun or Cao Shi.

No matter how crazy Cao is, she should eat and work, and it will not be affected at all.

If you wanted to get angry with her, you would have died of anger.

Ye Feifeng frowned and brought food for Xiao Xuyang. Usually, her father would take him with her, and she didn't know why she didn't take him with her today.

After pondering for a moment, I couldn't think of a reason, so I had to put the thought aside.

Thinking about what to do, if you have the time, it is better to eat quickly and get out of here as soon as possible, so as not to hurt your ears.

With that in mind, she scooped up some tofu with a soup spoon, picked up a few spring bamboo shoots with chopsticks, and started to eat.

These were sent by the second room, and some were distributed to them.

The spring bamboo shoots were fresh, tender, fragrant, delicious and refreshing, and she fell in love with them after one bite.

"Damn girl, put all the vegetables into your bowl, what will I eat?"

Xiao Qian, who was still yelling and cursing, suddenly pointed the finger at her, Ye Feifeng stopped chewing, and her head drooped even lower.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat, why don't you let it go!"

Cao Shi secretly sighed, she knew it was like this, and the half plate of spring bamboo shoots did not move a bite.

She was tidying up the stove when she was full, but when she saw Ye Feifeng was just digging the rice with her head down, she put down her work, wiped her hands on the apron, and walked over to take care of Xiao Xuyang for dinner.

Mrs. Qian gouged her out, scolded Ye Feifeng a few more words, then stretched out her hand and poured the half plate of spring bamboo shoots into her own bowl, and started to eat.

The roots of the ears were finally quiet, and Ye Feifeng breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the food in his mouth tasted better.

All the gentlemen in the main room finished eating quickly.

Eating without drinking is pretty fast.

Ye Mantun and Ye Manliang took the two little wolf dogs to the workshop. Today they are on duty, and tomorrow they will replace Ye Manfu and Ye Mangui.

Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei helped Mrs. Cao remove the table, made hot water to make tea, and then went to the East Kua Courtyard and the West Wing to burn the kang.

The weather is now warm and cold, and the night is still as cold as water, and we can't do without the kang.

Old Yetou sat on the head with slightly sullen eyebrows, drinking tea slowly, his face was calm, but his thoughts were chaotic.

Ye Laijin chatted with Meng Chun for a few words, and decided to arrange for him to live in the west wing, which is separated from the second room by a wall, so that he can know as soon as possible if there is any noise.

"The little one goes down first and resettles."

"Well, I'll accompany you there."

"Master Ye is too polite, I will go by myself."

Meng Chun's baggage was still on the carriage, he had to go to the backyard to get things first, and he was going to look around.

As for his duty, he must be careful in everything.

The two were talking politely, the door curtain was lifted, and Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei walked in together.

Now there is no need to work Ye Laijin.

It was just right for the two of them to accompany Meng Chun.

Meng Chun politely thanked Lao Yetou and his son, and the two accompanied them out of the hall.


Ye Laijin pondered and said, "This Meng Chun belongs to He Jiaheng, so it should be fine."

Guan Xiuyuan and Ye Shitian looked at each other, and they tried to test him a few times, so they could be sure that he was not sent by Mr. He.

This Meng Chun was indeed here to protect girl Xin.

Old Yetou said in a deep voice, "Xu Sheng hasn't come back yet, and I don't know how the matter is handled. It's better to be careful."

"Uncle, don't worry, there are so many of us watching, we won't let him get close to girl Xin."

"Well, maybe it's not necessarily because we think too much, so don't tell the children, lest there will be disputes."

"Let's save it."

"I've been busy talking all day, and I'm tired. Let's go to rest earlier."

"Okay, uncle also rests."

With the juniors around, Ye Shitian didn't need to be on duty at night. He wanted to go back to his home, and Guan Xiuyuan also wanted to go back. There were still two little wolf dogs waiting for him to feed.

I left in a hurry in the morning and didn't feed it. Guan Mingwei went back to feed it after noon. I'm afraid I'm going to starve to death.

Mrs. Cao gave him some food in ceramic jars, and the two left together.

Ye Laijin went to the backyard to fetch hot water for Lao Yetou to wash, Guan Mingwei and Ye Mancang waited for Meng Chun to settle down, and went to fetch hot water to wash by themselves.

The two rested in Ye Xusheng's room in the Dongkua courtyard, and they were accompanied by two little wolf dogs.

It was the end of the month, with no stars and no moon, and the dark night shrouded the entire Yejia Village in boundless darkness. It was silent, and the chilly wind howled, adding to the depression.

Meng Chun quietly left the old house and walked to the second room against the cold wind.

(End of this chapter)

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