Chapter 2330 Miss is in Danger

It was late at night, and He Xiner still hadn't put down the pen in her hand.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu were already used to it, and they didn't rush her, they just went about their own business lightly.

The little milk cat is curled up and sleeping on the chaise longue, with a white rabbit fur blanket under it, which is fluffy, and the fluffy little guy is extra petite and cute, it can melt people's hearts ~
On the table under the window, the dark brown ceramic incense burner is simple and elegant, with green smoke curling up, elegant and light, and faintly smelling the fragrance of pine wood, elegant and melodious, mellow and dignified.


There was a slight sound of the door opening, Luo Hua rushed to meet her, took the tray from Xiaoju's hand, gave her a wink, the other party nodded, and retreated prettyly.

"Miss, take a break and have some supper."

He Xiner didn't look up, "Leave it alone."

Luo Hua had no choice but to put the porcelain cup in a small red clay stove to warm it.

The room fell silent again.

Tan Pozi and Chi Pozi patrolled the yard with lanterns, and returned to the dining room after seeing nothing unusual.

Xiaoju and Xiaotao just fed Daha Erha, this is the fourth meal of the day.

Dabai is not around, so they are counted on to guard the guard and protect Miss, so they must be fed well.

"It's getting late, go to bed."

"Miss hasn't rested yet."

Mrs. Tan sighed softly, "Then it's the old rule, leave one person guarding, and the others go to sleep."

That's all there is to it.

There is no need for them to be close to the lady, and they are fine waiting. Why don't you rest on time, and you have to get up early tomorrow to clean up the work.

So, Mrs. Tan, Mrs. Chi and Xiaoju quickly washed up and went back to sleep.

It's boring for Xiaotao to stay alone in the dining room, with Daha and Erha around, she just teases them when she has nothing to do.

The night was deeper.

In the countryside, there is no one to knock on the tie, the sky is dark, and there is no moon to refer to, so it is impossible to determine the time.

Wei Yu guessed that it was at least the second watch.

"Miss, you are tired after writing for so long, let's take a break first."


He Xiner just finished writing, she gently put down the pen in her hand, and looked down at the copied Buddhist scriptures, never looking at her.

Even so, Wei Yu was also very happy.

"The white fungus soup made by Tan's mother has been warming on the stove. Miss, use some. It's been two hours since dinner, and I should be hungry by now."

"it is good."

A faint word of goodness made the corners of Luo Hua's lips curl up in joy, and hurried to soak the handkerchief with warm water to clean the young lady's hands.

He Xin'er was full after eating half a bowl of white fungus soup. After cleaning her hands again, she respectfully took another Buddhist scripture and read it again.

By the time she rests, it is estimated that the time has passed.

He Xiner slowly opened her eyes as the sound of falling flowers and light rain came from her ears.

He never came back.

Could it be that he encountered some danger?
The room was pitch black, without a single light, but she seemed to be one with the silent night, cold and quiet.

She stared quietly at the depths of the darkness, silently lost in thought.

The unique clear and mellow air of agarwood gradually became cloudy, and under the dark night, the smoke rose and permeated the room.

He Xiner, who was wandering around, suddenly felt strange, and quickly held her breath, while stretching her feet to lightly kick the falling flowers and light rain.

However, the two did not respond.

He Xiner knew that they had been tricked.

It seems that this time is in great trouble.



The sudden sound of bamboo whistle broke the silence of the night and startled Meng Chun even more.

"It's broken, miss is in danger."

He patrolled along the outer wall of the second room for a week, and went to the back mountain after finding nothing unusual.

In the dark night, the trees blown by the cold wind flew across, and the shadows danced wildly like crazy demons, and the gloom was quite terrifying.

He didn't go up the mountain, but walked around the foot of the mountain for a long time, and after finding out how many paths lead into the mountain, he was going to go to the river to have a look.

If you are new to the road, you don't know where to go, and if you want to run for something, you don't know the way.

This is not going to work.

So he looked around, in order to find out the environment as soon as possible.

Although it was pitch black today, it did not bother him.

In his early years, he often walked darts at night to develop a pair of eagle eyes, and he could see things in the dark.

At this time, he had just returned from the river, and he was walking unhurriedly while observing the surrounding environment. When he suddenly heard the whistle, his brain froze, but his body was faster than his brain, and he jumped out almost instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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