Chapter 2332 Who Are You
Fortunately, the whistle that made his scalp numb was very short and there was no follow-up, otherwise he would have fled long ago.

The anger suppressed the panic in his heart, and he stood motionless as if his feet had taken root.

Just now he broke out in a cold sweat all his life, and now he was blown by the cold wind, his instinct was cold to the bone, but he still didn't move.

He didn't dare to enter rashly, and he was unwilling to leave, so he was waiting.

He restrained his breath, blending himself into the dark night, feeling everything around him.

The room across the door was quiet, without any sound.

It is also quiet inside and outside the house.

Occasionally, the cold wind blows the trees and makes a soft rustling sound, making the night even more silent.


The hasty whistle didn't alarm anyone.

Shen Quan's eyeballs were rolling, and he thought to himself that this young lady was vigilant, but when she realized something was wrong, she whistled before she fell unconscious.

Seems like a smart guy.

But let her down.

Because no one came to help her.

Thinking of this, Shen Quan smiled wickedly.

Originally, he didn't want to do everything right, but now, he changed his mind.

For such an intelligent and clever person, if he doesn't completely possess her, it may be hard to handle.

Even so, no wonder he was there.

After making up his mind, Shen Quan instantly became excited. He heard that Miss He's family was extremely beautiful, and the snow dumplings were white and tender, and water would come out when pinched.

Today he is going to try how tender he is...

The moment Meng Chun entered the courtyard, his gaze was fixed on the west wing.

There was actually a light on in the house.

For the sake of caution, he tiptoed over and pressed his whole body against the window, listening to the movement inside.

After all, it is the lady's boudoir, so you can't break into it unless you have to.

In his heart, he even believed that the thief came after Ye's workshop.

Robbery is also indispensable.

Didn't that person just say that he can't go back empty-handed.

Speaking of which, this old Ye's family was too unlucky, and was repeatedly missed.

It's been less than a month since the second room had an accident.

Meng Chun was thinking secretly, today's thieves are too arrogant, so he heard a man's voice in the room, "Hey, my young master has a good fortune today."

Outside the house, Meng Chun's expression changed drastically.

damn it!
It was aimed at the lady.

Meng Chun was extremely angry, but she did not act recklessly.

After confirming that there was only one person inside, and estimating his approximate location based on the source of the sound, Fang broke through the window with all his might.

There was a loud "bang", and a figure jumped in like an arrow. Shen Quan, who was holding a candle to admire the beauty, was startled, and subconsciously wanted to run away, "Ah, don't come here!"

The sudden change caught him off guard, and he couldn't figure out what happened for a while, so he threw the candle out in a hurry.

The room suddenly turned dark but it didn't affect Meng Chun's shot. There were two loud bangs, and the man was knocked down.

Everything happened between calcium carbide and fire, and it was so fast that Sao Shenquan was taken down before he could react.

When he fell to the ground, he felt that he was about to die from the pain, "You, who are you?"

"Your uncle!"

Meng Chun suddenly raised his foot and kicked down hard, Shen Quan rolled all over the ground in pain, who knew that no matter where he rolled, the other party would kick him accurately, as if he would never stop until he was strangled to death.

Hell, this is a living hell king who came out of nowhere.

"Don't, don't, don't fight."

Shen Quan was about to go crazy, and his life would really be lost if this went on like this.

"Forgive, forgive..."

The sharp pain stimulated his nerves, and he was almost dizzy. He was already unable to struggle, but he instinctively wriggled and wanted to escape.

It's a pity that it's just useless work.

Meng Chun was so angry, it was really unlucky to encounter such a thing when he first came to Lao Ye's house today.

The only thing that made him fortunate was that he was not there when the incident happened, otherwise he might have been counted into it.

But this is also something that makes him afraid, if he comes back a little later, the young lady will be harmed by this beast.

Really dangerous and dangerous.

If this bastard really got his way, how would he explain to the young master.

(End of this chapter)

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