The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2333 It's cheaper for you today

Chapter 2333 It's cheaper for you today
Although Meng Chun was annoyed, he did not lose his sense of proportion.

Dog things be damned, but not here.

How can the lady's place be soiled by this dog.

He snorted and cursed, "It's a good deal for you today, if it was earlier, I would have taken your life."

Few of the people who walk the rivers and lakes have never been stained with blood.

He really doesn't care about one more little bastard.

But today this matter has to be decided by the young master, he can't make his own decisions.

Let's settle the matter at hand first.

Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei were woken up by cold towels, with an ice cube on their foreheads, and no one could bear it.

The two opened their eyes with difficulty, staring blankly at the person in front of them, their minds still blank.

"You two sons, wake up."

Guan Mingwei was the first to wake up, and suddenly felt bad, "What's wrong with me? Why can't I move?"

"Guan Gongzi has been poisoned by smoke and has not been relieved yet."


Guan Ming was shocked.

Ye Mancang yelled suddenly, and the two looked over immediately. It turned out that he was holding his breath and wanted to break through the restraint on his body and regain his physical strength, but he failed.

"Master Ye, don't worry, it will take at least two hours for the drug to lose its power."

"Why is there smoke? Could it be that a thief broke into the house?"


Meng Chun explained the matter concisely, but did not mention that Shenquan was caught in He Xiner's room, but only vaguely said that he had entered the courtyard of the second room.

Even so, Ye Mancang's eyes were about to burst into tears, and Guan Mingwei was even more frightened, "Is Xin'er alright?"

"Miss is fine, thanks to her vigilance, she blows the bamboo whistle immediately when she finds something wrong, otherwise..."

He stopped suddenly, turned to Ye Mancang and said, "Where is Mr. Ye's home? I can't guard it by myself, so I have to ask Master Ye to help."

The Elder Ye he mentioned naturally refers to Ye Shitian.

Right now, Lao Ye's family can be said to be completely wiped out, and even the dogs are sleepy. Such a situation is simply at the mercy of others.

The gang of thieves committed the crime in a gang, no one knows if there are any accomplices, it is really careless.

He wanted to protect the young lady, and he couldn't take care of Lao Ye's family.

Therefore, someone must guard Lao Ye's house and those thieves.

Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei didn't understand this truth.

"My home is easy to find..."

In Yejia Village, apart from the old Ye family and Chen Xing's family, the Ye Shitian family's house is luxurious, and it's really not hard to find.

And he has a little wolf dog at home, so Meng Chun didn't need to yell loudly, he could hear the movement inside.

He didn't care about the rest of the matter, and handed it all over to Brother Ye Shitian.

Standing in front of He Xiner's door for half the night, until Daha Erha woke up and left.

In the main room of the old house, Lao Yetou, Ye Laijin, Ye Mancang, and Guan Mingwei were all there. They had been weak since they woke up, and they had just recovered for a while.

Ye Shitian and Ye Zutian were also there, and their brothers searched inside and out several times with their nephews, and after confirming that there was no problem, they sent the others back first.

It will be dawn in more than an hour, and the thief should not come again.

The night passed without any risk.

There is no need for so many people to be here now.

After all, if it is possible not to disturb the villagers, it is better not to disturb them, so as not to spread bad words.

Meng Chun came in and saw them one by one, and said, "Old Master Ye, the younger one is going to take the thief to the Eldest Young Master, and ask him to decide how to deal with it."

Old Yetou's complexion was not good.

This kind of thing happened again and again, and there was something he didn't understand.

In the eyes of those people, Xin girl is a big golden ingot. As long as you hold her in the palm of your hand, you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life.

So they tried every means to calculate.

And once the girl's family..., she can only hold her nose and accept her fate.

The morals of the world are harsh, it is not uncommon for a woman, as a victim, to dare not speak out, and endure humiliation to marry an enemy...

Old Yetou clenched his fist violently.


The damned bastard should be hacked into pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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