The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2334 What's the matter

Chapter 2334 What's the matter

This time, Meng Chun not only saved He Xiner, but also saved the entire Old Ye family.

Old Yetou was grateful in his heart.

I am even more grateful to He Jiaheng, and my impression of him is getting better.

It's just that he was a little worried. If the He family knew about this, they might have to pick him up.

After all, girl Xin is of the blood of the He family, and it was indeed their fault that they failed to protect her well and almost made her fall for the bad guys.

Thinking of this, Lao Yetou hated him even more.

If he could, he really wanted to kill that dog with his own hands.

Call ~
Old Yetou exhaled deeply.

Can't be impulsive.

"You didn't sleep all night, it's really hard."

"The little one is fine."

"Let Mancang and Mingwei accompany you. With them driving the car, you can close your eyes and rest for a while on the road."

"Yes, little Mrs. Xie Ye."

"I want to thank you. Thanks to your presence this time, there was no catastrophe."

"Master Ye is polite."

Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin looked at each other with lingering fear in their hearts.

Guan Mingwei and Ye Mancang were even more frightened.

Old Yetou pondered for a moment but still couldn't hold back, he reminded, "Please keep quiet about this matter, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Little understands."

Lao Yetou nodded and watched the few people leave, his gentle face was easy to be instantly cold.

He had to think hard about how to deal with He Jiaheng.

The morning light is faint, the sky is blue and gray, and a new day has begun again.

Usually before dawn, Mrs. Tan and the others tidied up the sanitation of the house. At this time, breakfast had already begun.

Right now, inside the second-bedroom house, it is very quiet, without any sound.

Everyone is still asleep.

The sun is rising, and the sunshine in early spring is soft and bright, driving away the haze and cold of the night, and shining warmly on every corner.

Tan Pozi and Chi Pozi woke up almost at the same time, but they didn't get up as quickly as usual.

I didn't sleep very well this time, my head was dizzy, my body was weak, and I felt uncomfortable all over.

Looks like a drunk.

But the problem is that they have never had a drop of wine since they came to Ye's house.

Mrs. Tan was stunned for a few moments, when she suddenly found that the room was very bright, she couldn't help being shocked.

"Oh, it's dawn, it's dawn, get up, everyone, it's dawn outside..."

Mrs. Chi seemed to be about to react, and immediately became anxious. When she wanted to go to bed, she didn't forget to wake up Xiaoju and Xiaotao.

Suddenly, people turned their backs.

"My mother, what's the matter, we all fell asleep..."

In the west chamber, Xiao Yu and Luo Hua couldn't sleep for a second just after waking up. They immediately went to see He Xiner, and were relieved to see that she was sleeping soundly.

But he was frightened by the crooked windows.

The faces of the two changed dramatically.

Is this a thief?
When everyone in the second room was panicked and confused, Mrs. Cao came over. She woke up earlier, and then Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

This meeting was ordered by the old Yetou to come here and see what the situation is like. If everyone feels something is wrong, they should tell the truth, so as not to think wildly and become more frightened.

If nothing feels wrong, then act as if nothing happened.

When she learned that the window in the west wing was broken, she felt as if struck by lightning, "Second, Second Miss, she..."

"Miss is fine, but she hasn't woken up yet."

Cao chanted the Buddha's name secretly, and finally put her heart in her stomach again.

Earlier, Meng Chun didn't say it clearly, only said that a thief had entered the second courtyard, but he didn't mention that he had slipped into the west wing. Lao Yetou and the others were terrified but at the same time rejoiced.

Fortunately, Meng Bang discovered it in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Now when they suddenly heard that the windows in the west wing were broken, they were all in a cold sweat. It turned out that things were more dangerous than they had imagined.

"Uncle Dahe..."

Guan Xiuyuan looked at Old Yetou, and said with some hesitation, "The He family probably won't let girl Xin live anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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