Chapter 2335 You have a heart
How could Lao Yetou not know.

But he was reluctant.

If girl Xin leaves, the second room will be empty.

Seeing that he was silent, Guan Xiuyuan secretly sighed, saying that they were still not capable enough to protect even a child.

Ye Laijin frowned and said in a deep voice, "Father, what's your idea?"

If you ask him, it's not impossible for girl Xin to go back to He's house first, anyway, she belongs to their Lao Ye's house, and no one can snatch her away.

The most important thing now is that nothing happens to the child.

But in the end I can't bear it.

She lived in the second room, although it was quiet and made no noise, it made people feel at ease.

Because of the smoke.

It seems that the second child is still there.

If she left, the second room would become a cold, empty house.

Ye Laijin felt as if a needle had been pricked in his heart, and the pain caused his eyes to turn red instantly. How could he be so relieved just now, thinking of sending girl Xin to the He family.

Now that the person has not left, just thinking about it makes me feel unbearable.

He stood up abruptly, and said loudly, "He's family has a nursing home, we can also hire people to take turns guarding it for twelve hours, and this kind of thing will never happen again."

Old Yetou's complexion improved a lot, and he said slowly, "Let's see what Xin girl means."

Ye Shitian, who was about to speak, swallowed his words again, and Guan Xiuyuan didn't say another word.

Uncle means not to let people go, so there is no need to express your opinion, they also mean the same.

Ye Laijin said, "That child is the most filial and sincere. He said he would keep his filial piety for three years, so he wouldn't give up halfway."


Old Yetou nodded slightly.

"Then we have to hire a nursing home..."

"It'll be great if Xu Sheng comes back. With him, Chen Xing, and Dabai around, I won't be afraid of those bastards."

Mentioning his own son abruptly, Ye Laijin's heart immediately became flustered.

It has been more than 20 days, and there is no news, and I don't know if I am in trouble.

Son, you must come back safely.

While his thoughts were racing, he didn't forget about He Xiner, "The thing about the nursing home..."

"There's no rush for this matter. It's hard to find someone as loyal and capable as Meng Chun."

"Dad said so."

If someone with unknown details is recruited in, it may be even more troublesome.

Ye Laijin took a deep breath, not to rush, but to be steady.

When the sons and the others come back, Chen Xing can help Zhang Luo hire someone, so he can rest assured.

The few people made up their minds and thought about their words. When facing He Jiaheng who rushed over, they were able to deal with it with ease.

After all, he is an elder, so speaking still has some weight.

And He Jiaheng has always respected the Ye family, and he has a calm and introverted temperament, which can't be wiped off his face, no matter how anxious he is in his heart, he can't say excessive words.

And for the sake of He Xiner's reputation, he didn't tell anyone about it.

Therefore, he can only come alone, and when he is alone and weak, he will lose his momentum in the face of several elders.

Coupled with his scruples, he was always involuntarily nervous in front of Ye Shitian, fearing that he would spot something, so the good eloquence he developed in business was not fully utilized.

Then he was suppressed by Lao Yetou.

He Jiaheng felt rather embarrassed.

It's fine if it's something else, but now the personal safety of the fourth sister is involved, it's really not a trivial matter.

He can understand everyone's feelings, and he sympathizes with the old man's experience even more. He can also understand his thoughts, and hopes that the fourth sister can continue the incense of the second room, so that the second uncle Ye will not have no successors.

But as the daughter of the He family, the fourth younger sister is too conspicuous in this countryside, and has become a big piece of fat in the eyes of others. She dares to think about any cat or dog.

It's not sure what will happen, it's really not safe.

The more He Jiaheng thought about it, the more uneasy he became, and even regretted not strangling that prostitute to death with his own hands.

Hmph, when I get back, I'll give some money to the jailer, and ask him to take care of that dog.

"The incident happened suddenly. The fourth sister was afraid that she would be frightened. I specially brought Ji Shitang's pills to calm her down."

"Well, you have a heart."

Ye Shitian took a deep look at He Jiaheng, this kid is really careful, he is so considerate to his younger sister, he must be a loving wife.

I don't know who is lucky enough to marry him.

(End of this chapter)

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